What will you do on September 30th?

What will you do on Sept 30th?

  • Get HL2 Right after Work/School

    Votes: 52 50.0%
  • Skip Work/School and get HL2

    Votes: 18 17.3%
  • Leave HL2 Downloading while at work/school

    Votes: 6 5.8%
  • Get it for My B-day

    Votes: 4 3.8%
  • Get it for X-mas

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Somehow I am getting it early (explain how)

    Votes: 4 3.8%
  • other (explain what)

    Votes: 19 18.3%

  • Total voters
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Jul 7, 2003
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What will you be doing on September 30th when Half-Life 2 is Realeased world-wide? Obviously your going to run out and get it that day. But will you actualy Skip work or school to play all day? I myself would skip work/school if I could. But i cant school is tough. If i skip a day i would get very far behind. But this is what i will do. After School im heading for Frys Electronics, Buy the game and go straight home. I will probably go to sleep at 4 am the next day.
What will you do?

(Note: On the 3rd choice it means Download through STEAM)
I voted other, because I plan to bring a shotgun to my local EB as soon as I hear they have it shipped in, and destroy them all, leaving with a copy of my Half-Life 2
I would skip school if I could, but my parents would tear me apart and probably my HL2 cd too if they ever found out!
thanks to my very strange college schedule I HAVE NO SCHOOL ON THURSDAY sept 30th Woo!!!!
i have mine already. i slaughtered the Valve staff and took my own copy...although it is a bit buggy lol
Somehow I am getting it early (explain how): Well I'm guessing that Razor, or some other group will get it out earlier than the proper release date.

But don't worry, I be buying it too, I just want it asap.
I'm either gonna get my copy after school or during my lunch break.
i am going to Best Buy early in that morning eargerly waiting for the doors to open. I don't want to order it online, i don't want it mailed o me, i want to hunt it down with my own bare hands and cold currency, striking down those who dare get in my way.

Ah, the thrill of the hunt...
if bestbuy or CompUSA or EB or GameStop open early, i'm there before school. if not, after school i'll break every traffic law in the book in order to get a copy before they're sold out.
I have it reserved at EB. I am going to avoid these forums the day before release, because alot of people who work at these stores will get theirs a day early and will be posting on these boards spoilers galore.
getting it the week-end the stores near me have it :)
I will be getting it after school

Im quiet pissed for the fact that they are releasing it on Tuesday and not a Friday or a Saturday. I mean if they did, I would SERIOUSLY consider on camping out infront of Best Buy..
Originally posted by MrWhite
Yes, I think I would too

So would I. For once in my life, I would do something silly like that. I can't think of any other game that would be worth it.
Originally posted by Flyingdebris
thanks to my very strange college schedule I HAVE NO SCHOOL ON THURSDAY sept 30th Woo!!!!

Sept 30th is a tuesday.
Who ever voted for this one "Get HL2 Right after Work/School" are not welcome to play HL2. I mean, you won't even skip school or work? Where's the dedication, people?
woops, i meant tuesday, i don't know how i ended up writing thurday :/

Let me rephrase that

Thanks to my strange college schedule I HAVE NO SCHOOL on tuesday sept 30th !! wooo!!!
On Sept. 30 I will eat, sleep, deficate, and scrath my ass like every other day. What?
Originally posted by wormstrangler
Who ever voted for this one "Get HL2 Right after Work/School" are not welcome to play HL2. I mean, you won't even skip school or work? Where's the dedication, people?
All of Us Would Love To Skip Work/school , but cant. Its Just Impossible. Belive me we would if we could.

Originally posted by Letters
I'm leaving it downloading.
Thats Cool. What kind of Connection do you have?
gettin it early...my boos is advertising for hl2...they repay us with a few copies of HL2...i aint complaining...:)
i cant wait to see all the cool vids when half life 2 is delayed till november...
Originally posted by kinggi
i cant wait to see all the cool vids when half life 2 is delayed till november...

Its going to come out in september! just accept it, okay?!
Originally posted by wormstrangler
Who ever voted for this one "Get HL2 Right after Work/School" are not welcome to play HL2. I mean, you won't even skip school or work? Where's the dedication, people?

For me school is a whole lot more important then anything else. If you think about it, if you get a good education you can get a good job when you get older and maybe rich. Which means you retire early and play more ;)
Originally posted by kinggi
i cant wait to see all the cool vids when half life 2 is delayed till november...

I Can 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999998% guarantee you that Half-Life 2 Will come out September 30th

Originally posted by wako
For me school is a whole lot more important then anything else. If you think about it, if you get a good education you can get a good job when you get older and maybe rich. Which means you retire early and play more ;)

I Agree. But If you think About it, One day wont harm your grades in school to the point were you fail and have to drop out.
mr white believe me i want it in september too. Just not gettin my hopes up..
i guess i'll just quit my job and find a new one a month later...

it really is amazing that they only recently announced half life 2 a few months ago, and now its less than 30 days away- with the hype meter still pretty low considering the first accompleshments- that makes for goty when everyone first plays it and realizes its more awesome than anyone could ever imagine.
Originally posted by kinggi
mr white believe me i want it in september too. Just not gettin my hopes up..

It's been verified by two or 3 people... from valve... what more do you want?

They're on the final stages of playtesting

just accept it
I'll camp out in front my local Gamestop store and harass the store manager to give me my well deserved, pre-ordered copy along with free strat guide before anyone else. It's mine! Mine, I say! *twitch twitch*
the option for dropping out of school to buy it wasnt up there
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