What would be the problem with this?


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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So instead of burying radioactive waste underground and ****ing shit up with the earth, why not just launch the radioactive waste into the sun? Besides money, what's wrong with this idea?
Uh... not that I think it does that big of a difference, but the more things we launch into space, the more the earth's rotation route around the sun gets messed up?
I might be wrong, but I have a feeling that we might have a far greater volume of radioactive waste than we could actually launch into space with our primitive rockets in the span of a hundred years.

EDIT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radioactive_waste#Space_disposal

Wikipedia points out the obvious: that rockets carrying waste might explode on launch and scatter radioactive shit across the sky.
@Murray - that doesn't make any sense.
Look behind you, Radioactive Man! The sun is exploding again!
Look behind you, Radioactive Man! The sun is exploding again!

Up and at them!

It never ceases to amaze me how many people think this is anything but a ludicrous idea. You want to put radioactive waste on top of a flying bomb? Really?
We'd all turn to super mutants, it'd be cool bro.
we'll probably make a bacteria that can eat away the toxic waste someday. as for now we'll just keep applying the waste to weapons and other unseen objects
a zombie apocolypse is just a bomb strapped to a shitton of radioactive waste away
wouldnt the radioactive waste give life to the sun and turn it into a giant pacman like fire monster?
I might be wrong, but I have a feeling that we might have a far greater volume of radioactive waste than we could actually launch into space with our primitive rockets in the span of a hundred years.

EDIT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radioactive_waste#Space_disposal

Wikipedia points out the obvious: that rockets carrying waste might explode on launch and scatter radioactive shit across the sky.

This, and also it'd be ****ing expensive.
Not if they hire me to kick it into space.
I might be wrong, but I have a feeling that we might have a far greater volume of radioactive waste than we could actually launch into space with our primitive rockets in the span of a hundred years.

EDIT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radioactive_waste#Space_disposal

Wikipedia points out the obvious: that rockets carrying waste might explode on launch and scatter radioactive shit across the sky.

This pretty much.

I wasn't thinking about the explosions, but what I was thinking about was that we simply have way too much shit and produce way too much for the expense of launching it all in space towards the sun...
Let's be careful with how we word it. The probability of launching so many rockets (and we'd need a crapton) over time increases the chance of a single rocket blowing up (which in this case equates to an immediate losing scenario). It's not that our rockets blow up with any great frequency, it's just that the statistical chances, given NASA's record, give us no guarantee that none of them would blow up.

Plus I heard that the current satellite payload cost is about a million dollars per pound, so...
I was watching discovery channel last night and they were saying the uranium they use in nuclear plants is like 16x denser than water, making it the most dense element. And considering space travel is the most expensive travel per unit of weight I can see how this could be a poor idea.
This would totally work for this though.

(I can't believe no one posted that yet. Or is that because it isn't funny? Because I think it is :arms: )
Too much could go wrong. What if the ship blows up on its way up? Before you know it every ****ing fish in Kansas would have three eyes.
Well, just keep the stuff underground for 100 years or so until space elevators are commonplace, so getting it into orbit is safe, then move it onto dumb shuttles and fly them on a path into the sun. Simple.
well...as far as i know spent fuel rods are really heavy and need cooling for quite some time after being spent. and yes...it would really suck having a rocket filled with radioactive waste exploding over our heads.

radioactive materials are really not that much of a problem...if you look at it the earth stores considerable amounts of them in its crust.

really the best way is to bury them as deep as possible below the water table or in water void areas and let them stabilize over the years. and besides modern technology can reprocess some of the spent fuel.

the only problem is people are cheap and don't take too much care for storing them. hell...they pay the the mafia to sink them to the bottom of the sea! god damn assholes!
Do you know how ****ing expensive that would be? And you think we have a pollution/global warming problem now? How about when we start launching a couple dozen rockets into the sun every month to get rid of our trash.
Aren't we forgetting about Iraq? That would be the perfect place to put waste. That or the southern part of the US.
I might be wrong, but I have a feeling that we might have a far greater volume of radioactive waste than we could actually launch into space with our primitive rockets in the span of a hundred years.

EDIT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radioactive_waste#Space_disposal

Wikipedia points out the obvious: that rockets carrying waste might explode on launch and scatter radioactive shit across the sky.
This, and if you haven't seen it, NASA recently created a visualization of Earth's space junk problem.

Here 'tis:
Well, just keep the stuff underground for 100 years or so until space elevators are commonplace, so getting it into orbit is safe, then move it onto dumb shuttles and fly them on a path into the sun. Simple.

Basically. Though once it's in orbit you can just shoot it at the sun rather than flying it there.
Aren't we forgetting about Iraq? That would be the perfect place to put waste. That or the southern part of the US.
If I turn into a Super Mutant because of your dumb idea, I will make sure that your the first human I'll be making lunch out of. :devil:

Do you know how ****ing expensive that would be? And you think we have a pollution/global warming problem now? How about when we start launching a couple dozen rockets into the sun every month to get rid of our trash.
Human induced global warming is a...wait for it... FALLACY!!!!!
There are a few problems with the execution. The waste doesn't just need to be stored in the rocket , the rocket also needs to contain the radiation. These two factors add on a considerable deal of weight which translates into very costly fuel use. Whats wrong with the way we currently do it ?.
Aren't we forgetting about Iraq? That would be the perfect place to put waste. That or the southern part of the US.

The Southern part of the US is already pretty goddamn full of waste.

I'm looking at you, Saturos.
This, and if you haven't seen it, NASA recently created a visualization of Earth's space junk problem.

Here 'tis:

oh looky...humans made an asteroid belt around Earth, how cute. eat shit Saturn!