What would have happened if John Romero was still at ID.

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Apr 29, 2004
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I played Doom3, and yes it is scary and impressive.But i still can't feel the mix of fun and scariness ,which i felt while playing doom2 for the first time.I am not trying to push away doom3 to ditch, but doom3 would have been more interesting that ever with John Romero's clever level designing techniques.I still get scared while playing the 32nd level of doom2.

So do you agree with this statement ??? Post only you suggestions Please.
Barrels o' fun was good.

EDIT: Agree, but the levels in doom 3 are different, they are allowed more detail... so.. go for it! :D (plus i think they're making it more realistic) but just wait for doom 1 and 2 to be ported :P
i think all of romero's rep pretty much went down the drain right after his first game was shipped, and he did get fired for refusing to work, but if romero did seriously work on doom3 i think that the game wouldn't be as linear and may hold some intersting surprises like monsters hiding and jumping out of cabnets or something, stuff that's like totally dependent on design.

but i doubt doom3 would be in romero's worth ethic b/c of his design over graphics approach, so honestly i really can't see romero at all making doom3.
Sai said:
but i doubt doom3 would be in romero's worth ethic b/c of his design over graphics approach, so honestly i really can't see romero at all making doom3.
I forgot to mention one more thing abt Romero's levels.While creating Doom2 levels, there wasn't any kind of graphical map developing tools, like what we have right now.He had to take lots of pain to just draw a line on to the screen.So a hard working guy like him would have created some interesting stuff using the current map editors.
myth said:
I still get scared while playing the 32nd level of doom2.
You get scared playing the second Wolfenstein level with Commander Keen hanging from the roof?

Oh and Barrels of Fun was made by Sandy Peterson.
I dunno, I'm still scared by Diakatana.

I mean I'll give the guy a break, and if he relases another game I'll try it.
ShadowFox said:
You get scared playing the second Wolfenstein level with Commander Keen hanging from the roof?

The case is similar for doom2 level 32.You can see Commander Keen hanging from the roof ,at the last room of the level.
Raxxman said:
I dunno, I'm still scared by Diakatana.

I mean I'll give the guy a break, and if he relases another game I'll try it.
Couldn't try out Daikatana.How is it???
I got scared shitless playing doom 3 I don't know about you guys, maybe ice veins.
bleh, he only worked on two good games and that was back in the early 90s, so I dont think hed change much at id
myth said:
Couldn't try out Daikatana.How is it???


(Based on the demo).

It's my personal theory that John Romeo split with id because he didn't like their policy of making games that were always brown (Quake I and II) so he did something radical and made a green game.

What I remember from the demo, is that you start in a pond (green), you look around at the ground (green) and the sky (green). You pick up a weapon (green), it fires energy bursts (green). You get attacked by frogs (green) for some reason that isn't explained.

And then I uninstalled it.
Feath said:

(Based on the demo).

It's my personal theory that John Romeo split with id because he didn't like their policy of making games that were always brown (Quake I and II) so he did something radical and made a green game.

What I remember from the demo, is that you start in a pond (green), you look around at the ground (green) and the sky (green). You pick up a weapon (green), it fires energy bursts (green). You get attacked by frogs (green) for some reason that isn't explained.

And then I uninstalled it.

surprisingly it gets worse from there on...
Feath said:

(Based on the demo).

It's my personal theory that John Romeo split with id because he didn't like their policy of making games that were always brown (Quake I and II) so he did something radical and made a green game.

What I remember from the demo, is that you start in a pond (green), you look around at the ground (green) and the sky (green). You pick up a weapon (green), it fires energy bursts (green). You get attacked by frogs (green) for some reason that isn't explained

OMFG Feath, that was so hilarious I just made it my new sig...
Yeah Diakatana was scary in the way the most fearsome foe was the guy behind you, your ally. 'Rocket to the back of your head sir?' 'I appear to be stuck on a doorway, Rocket to the back of your head sir?'
Level 30 owned all... I got to cap that sucker with the BFG... w00t. Seriously playing level 30 with godmode,no clip and all ammo kicked ass. I made the monster fight each other. Good times.
Feath said:

(Based on the demo).

It's my personal theory that John Romeo split with id because he didn't like their policy of making games that were always brown (Quake I and II) so he did something radical and made a green game.

And then I uninstalled it.

But its heard that he loved working for Doom and Doom 2....
myth said:
But its heard that he loved working for Doom and Doom 2....

I was joking. He didn't really leave id because he wanted to make a radically green game, and Carmack just wanted brown.
Some_God said:
Level 30 owned all... I got to cap that sucker with the BFG... w00t. Seriously playing level 30 with godmode,no clip and all ammo kicked ass. I made the monster fight each other. Good times.

Yeah !!! god mode is the only way by which you could reach the other end of the room in one single piece.But still the level is scary.Damn scary !!!!!
atleast no one could match the ability of john.Thats sure.
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