What would you do????

Which one Would you buy?

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May 6, 2004
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If halflife2, Doom3, and F.E.A.R all came out the same day and you only had $50 dollars which one would you buy??

Halflife 2
Doom 3
HL2. It's the only sure-thing for me. FEAR isn't even scheduled for another year and it'll probably be delayed another year beyond that.
im not actually going to buy f.e.a.r. or doom 3 anyway... dunno y, they just dont intrest me. so HL2 for me...
who are you the thread nazi? i didnt see any signs saying i can only make x amount of threads a day.

me i would most likely buy fear cuz it looks like it would kick halflife2's ass all over the place if they both dropped the same day, doom 3 doesnt appeal to me.
Buy all 3 somehow

But wait...isn't Doom 3 $55?
I would have to go with Doom 3 because of the chance to start building maps with it. It is possible to make HL2 *like* maps right now in Unreal2004 or to a lesser extent Quake 3 with yandars Quake3map2 program (does stuff like add dynamic lightmaps to Quake 3) but it is not possible yet to make maps with real time lighting ... and when I map I am allways thinking how it would be cool to have a light move from point A to point B and how that would effect the mood of the level.

Also I expect HL2 gameplay to be better than Doom3 gameplay. If I played HL2 first all I would be thinking when I played Doom3 would be hey this is only average! But if I play Doom3 first I will think it is great and then when I play HL2 I will think it is a gift from the gods ... Bwa-ha ... Bwahahaha ... Mwahahahahahaha
Eywanadi said:
Also I expect HL2 gameplay to be better than Doom3 gameplay. If I played HL2 first all I would be thinking when I played Doom3 would be hey this is only average! But if I play Doom3 first I will think it is great and then when I play HL2 I will think it is a gift from the gods ... Bwa-ha ... Bwahahaha ... Mwahahahahahaha

I dont think that will be a problem. I know the fanboys like to fight(i jump in once in a while for the fun of it just to get a reaction from people), but they are two totally differant games....the only similarity is that they are Sci-Fi FPS's where you shoot monsters.
Yea....Half-Life 2.....

Pretty interesting idea Eywanadi...
doom 3...looks bad, and am expecting HORRIBLE gameplay. Nope

Fear? Don't know enough to warrent buying it. Skip over

HL2...And only 1 box left! *Grab*
How about all three...

Theoretical I could install all three games simultaneously because I have three optical drives. :devil:

What is with all these Doom 3 haters? You guys are acting like ID software is part of the EA publishing group...
It Valve is telling the truth, then I should be able to run HL2, so therefore I would go for HL2
Download all three and spend the 50 bucks on fast-food, beer and cigarettes! :E
damn im the only one who would buy fear over hl2, and doom3 if they all came out the same day? you must not have watched the video's, go to gamespot and wath them post haste.
We've all seen them, have you seen the HL2 presentations? :D

no question about that.

I hate Doom 3, And don't know much about fear
acme420 said:
damn im the only one who would buy fear over hl2, and doom3 if they all came out the same day? you must not have watched the video's, go to gamespot and wath them post haste.

Your post is of great interest to me! You seem to be a person, of possibly no more than a handfull in the world, who can see a depth to FEAR that no normal man can. Please decipher for me this tangled web that is the FEAR video clips.

Show me what it is that I can not see!

For I am a simple man, one who is easily deceived, and the D3/HL2 videos have me in there grasp. They have me blinded to this greatness that is FEAR.

Let me see the light brother!
Well, Doom 3 and F.E.A.R. will both scare the sh1t out of me, so I would just get HL2. I was watching the F.E.A.R. gameplay movies and there is this little girl who appears when the lights go off and then she's gone like 3 seconds later. It's really creepy when the main character is in that elevator and the power goes out. The girl appears and stares at you for like 2 seconds, then the power goes out again for 5 seconds, and then when it comes back on, the little girl is gone. It's really scary. There's something about little girls who scream, walk slowly, stare at you with a pale, dead face, and kill/dismember people with their thoughts that is just extremely scary.

F.E.A.R. looks like it has really awesome physics, effects, and stuff like that, but it is way too creepy for my tastes. HL2 isn't scary that way. It has its own kind of mild creepiness, but nothing on par with little girls that lurk in the shadows, scream really loud, disappear/reappear, and kill you with their thoughts.

Oh and Doom 3 is just all around in your face scary. It won't have as much of that "Wait for you to get in a really small office room and turn the lights off and then put a little bloody girl in front of you for 3 seconds and the make her disappear" factor. It will just be scaring you the whole time through. F.E.A.R. will let me play around with physics and kill some dudes in a wicked cool way, but then that little girl will appear in front of me in a dark room and scare the piss out of me. :|

I put the spooky pics of her in the elevator in sequence. It scares me! Creepy stuff...
acme is the kinda guy who is amazed by plastic graphics and probably thought far cry was the best invention since the wheel. fear offers nothing but rehashes of the same shit we've all played 1000 times. OMGZ0RZ T3H L3V3L IZ SKARYZORZ!!!11!ONE!!1!

i will be buying doom 3 however for the simple fact i cant wait to laugh at the retardedness of the enemys id created. RUN ITZ DA SKARYZORZ SKELITONZ WIT TH3IR ROK3T LAU|\|¢£RZ!!!! :upstare:
Half-life 2 with out a doubt. There is no way Doom3 is gonna surpass Half-Life 2.
I'd buy Half-Life 2, it looks like it would have a better storyline and more replay value.
FEAR and DooM 3 look like pretty nice games though. I like being scared shitless. :)
guinny said:
acme is the kinda guy who is amazed by plastic graphics and probably thought far cry was the best invention since the wheel. fear offers nothing but rehashes of the same shit we've all played 1000 times. OMGZ0RZ T3H L3V3L IZ SKARYZORZ!!!11!ONE!!1!

i will be buying doom 3 however for the simple fact i cant wait to laugh at the retardedness of the enemys id created. RUN ITZ DA SKARYZORZ SKELITONZ WIT TH3IR ROK3T LAU|\|¢£RZ!!!! :upstare:

That "leet speak extreme" is lame. And what's it to you if he likes the game? you think it looks "plastic" whatever the **** that means, if you don't like it big deal, lots of people do. So grow up will you?
guinny said:
acme is the kinda guy who is amazed by plastic graphics and probably thought far cry was the best invention since the wheel. fear offers nothing but rehashes of the same shit we've all played 1000 times. OMGZ0RZ T3H L3V3L IZ SKARYZORZ!!!11!ONE!!1!

i will be buying doom 3 however for the simple fact i cant wait to laugh at the retardedness of the enemys id created. RUN ITZ DA SKARYZORZ SKELITONZ WIT TH3IR ROK3T LAU|\|¢£RZ!!!! :upstare:

Oh no's si teh liet speek!!!!!one11eleven!!

first of all i am not amazed by graphics plastic or not, 2 i dont really care for far cry, sure it looks pretty, but i prefer to have gameplay not graphics.


i would choose fear over halflife2, and doom3 if they all dropped the same day because from the videos ive seen of fear it seems to have better play mechanics (run outta bullets jump kick guy in the head ), and the story seems scary as hell and the presentation as i saw in the trailers reminds me or a scary movie like the ring. oh man that little girl walking around making soldiers explode ala' akira is the coolest. the ai seems top notch, and a hell of a lot better than the "superb ai" in farcry where i can shoot at a buncha guys, dive into a bush 2 feet away and all of a sudden they dont know where i am anymore even though they saw me jump into the bushes.

the fear videos show enemies realistically running and ducking for cover and using their surroundings to their advantage.

im not trying to sell you on fear, and im not trying to tell you its better than hl2 or dom3, im just stating why i would buy it over doom3 and hl2 if they all came out on the same day and i only had 50 bucks.

besides i got a coupon from ati for hl2.
HL2 I guess, but I'll try getting all 3, except F.E.A.R
lol you guys do you realize by flaming me to grow up is doing the exact same thing i did? fear, d3, and hl2, ill be getting all 3 at some point or another, and so will everyone else whos lying and says they wont. i dont understand why people feel the need to stick to hl2 and think every game sucks in comparison, when they know sooner or later theyre gonna play the games theyre bashing. that includes me, and i have the sense to realize that. i will be buying fear for the interesting story, d3 to scare the hell out of me, and hl2 for the greatest gaming experience of my life. and so will every last one of you.
CB | Para said:
Getting all three means getting F.E.A.R hah!

note the EXCEPT .. I'll get all three EXCEPT F.E.A.R.. there was no "2 of them" poll option, and no PIE! poll option either
acme420 said:
who are you the thread nazi? i didnt see any signs saying i can only make x amount of threads a day.

me i would most likely buy fear cuz it looks like it would kick halflife2's ass all over the place if they both dropped the same day, doom 3 doesnt appeal to me.

What did you expect us to say, we'd buy kirby 64 on a hl2 forum?
I'm gonna have to pull a fast one here and say... Half-Life 2, I could get those other games later, I only play one game at a time so its not that big of a deal to get them all on one day. Plus, I think I will try out DOOM3 before I buy it.