What would you do?


Sep 2, 2004
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What would you do if you ran over a poor little rabbit :imu: or something cute, and you dont ahve a gun or a knife, just your barehands to put it out of missery, cause its still alive. But if you leave it something will surely eat it slow. What would you do? What... would you do..?
I'd run away crying as the heavens thundered, threatening to strike me down
SlagOps said:
What would you do if you ran over a poor little rabbit :imu: or something cute, and you dont ahve a gun or a knife, just your barehands to put it out of missery, cause its still alive. But if you leave it something will surely eat it slow. What would you do? What... would you do..?

id run it over again
Your avatar is almost back in season SpuD. :D

[Edit]: Oh, the question at hand. I'd cook it and eat it. :naughty:
blahblahblah said:
Your avatar is almost back in season SpuD. :D

[Edit]: Oh, the question at hand. I'd cook it and eat it. :naughty:
Almost :D

See, i didnt have to go through all the trouble of making a new one and changing it
if it was with a car, id flatten it like a pancake with my tire and put it out of its misery.
I probably wouldn't stop in the first place. (that prolly sounds mean but hey, that's the way it goes sometimes)
I'd sit at the side of the road, laughing maniacally as its life slowly ebbed away. Then I'd daub satanic sigils on my arms and face in its blood, before driving home for tea and biscuits.
Pi Mu Rho said:
I'd sit at the side of the road, laughing maniacally as its life slowly ebbed away. Then I'd daub satanic sigils on my arms and face in its blood, before driving home for tea and biscuits.

:D:D pmsl
I'd Strap it to my hood and take it home to cook and eat, Redneck style!

On a side note, Spud, you're an awp whore on cs: source :p
A Bunny? ...run it over again...

Just because its suffering. If I missed it, I would'nt make a U-ey, and try to hit it anyway.
SlagOps said:
What would you do if you ran over a poor little rabbit :imu: or something cute, and you dont ahve a gun or a knife, just your barehands to put it out of missery, cause its still alive. But if you leave it something will surely eat it slow. What would you do? What... would you do..?

I'd kill it with a rock.
I'd sell it on ebay...

I would say I'd eat it, but thats technically classed as poaching. So its against the law :( However, someone else could take it home and eat it. Heh, someone I know ran into a deer. Him and his wife were staying on a campsite at the time, so he skinned it and brought it back home with him. He then invited us round toa barbeque and we ate it...was tasty indeed, although it was quite tough.
I would breaks its neck with my bare hands to put it out of misery.
I'd make a line of carrots all the way to the edge of a steep cliff.
SlagOps said:
What would you do if you ran over a poor little rabbit :imu: or something cute, and you dont ahve a gun or a knife, just your barehands to put it out of missery, cause its still alive. But if you leave it something will surely eat it slow. What would you do? What... would you do..?

I would go and get a gun and take it outa it's misery ;)
dart321 said:
I'd make a line of carrots all the way to the edge of a steep cliff.
did you know native americans used to run buffalo off cliffs just to watch em fall?
CyberSh33p said:
did you know native americans used to run buffalo off cliffs just to watch em fall?

Yes, but I thought it was for food, not entertainment.
haha, did you know chinesse fighting fish [vetas] were acually brought back from vietnam by soldiers? Acually mailed over in envelopes with a little water, and they survived, pretty amazing.
Well since the rabbit is stupid enough to run out while I'm driving then...I wouldn't stop.
It isn't a question of what would I do.

What would jeebus do? : o
Well first, my vision would shatter and i would go to the battle screen, then me and my party would exchange attacks with it untill it died. then we would go to the reward screen, collect our money and items then continue on our way.
I think that will win the most complicated kill award.
The DemonWithin said:
Well first, my vision would shatter and i would go to the battle screen, then me and my party would exchange attacks with it untill it died. then we would go to the reward screen, collect our money and items then continue on our way.

Or give it some phoenix down, you cruel, cheap bastard you.
Hit the brakes, slam the car into the reverse and run it over again. Then I would proceed to run it over 5 more times and just before leaving I'd run it over once more just for the hell of it.