What would you like to see from DLC?


Dec 8, 2004
Reaction score
Admittedly, it's a bit early to judge what GTAIV requires as yet, but there are some things that are easy to ask for without having played the game already.

I imagine there will be a new radio station or two.
Perhaps a new suburb with all new missions.
Some new cars and bikes.
The inclusion of planes (and parachutes), pushbikes, jetpacks and tanks?

What do all of you think?
I'm hoping they'll begin hollowing out more of the buildings, designing and adding new interiors, then laying down new missions and activities over the top of these new locations so the player has somewhere else to go and visit.

Course, I'm also hoping they add more environments such as more land as well as more well-designed interiors, amongst a bunch of other things like new vehicles, weapons, clothing items, missions that don't require my first idea and other such stuff.
A little bit of everything:

-New missions
-More toys (vehicles and weapons) to play with
-More interiors
-More Multiplayer content
Environmental changes would be nice, I don't know if they do but new radio, billboard/ingame advertising to have fresh content, just so the city feels like it is alive a little more.

It's in the mirrors...

Oh... DLC?
Weapons, vehicles, etc. Maybe some new side mission/activities.
Probably won't be too happy unless it includes atleast another area and some new missions. Everything else is optional, honestly not too bothered about new vehicles/weapons since the variety seems fine already. Some new mini-games/dating options/dates might be cool though.

I was about to suggest new multiplayer content aswell, until I remembered there are SIXTEEN ****ING MODES.
A new area, maybe with some more "exotic" weapons (high tech lab facility anyone?)
More missions, bigger city, more cars/weapons.
Maybe an expansion to the on-land areas of the game, something in addition to Alderney. That would be easy to do and it wouldn't ruin the continuity or consistency of the main islands.
ya more weapons, vehicles
and lots of co-op missions!