What would you like to see?


Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
What kinds of things would you like to be able to do in a computer game? More specifically, in a first/third-person game?

I for one, would like to see more games allow to shoot rope arrows like in Thief1. And even maybe make them more like the ropes in Worms, where you can climb up and down them, swing around and such...
More lifelike animation - animation in recent FPS/3rd Person games have been lacking at best.....sheeeesh if game companies can't make downright decent animation (walk cycles and so forth) why bother investing time in gimmicky features.
Yeah, That would be nice actually. HL2 and Doom3 are already working on that :)
scribblehead said:
More lifelike animation - animation in recent FPS/3rd Person games have been lacking at best.....sheeeesh if game companies can't make downright decent animation (walk cycles and so forth) why bother investing time in gimmicky features.

I agree - fancy graphics never look good without good animation. The animation to a charcater is like the soul to a human. D3 and HL2 seem to have very nice animations from what we've seen. The devs for stalker should work on this pronto, they have the engine, graphics and gameplay - they just need proper animation.
Prince of Persia is a great example of how simple models can look extraordinary thanks to good animation.
As for specific situations that would be cool in a game, how about a space capital ship battle from an individual perspective? Could help with gunnery, go extavehicular and jump to the other ship, or join a boarding part breaching onto the enemy's ships.
Direwolf said:
Prince of Persia is a great example of how simple models can look extraordinary thanks to good animation.
As for specific situations that would be cool in a game, how about a space capital ship battle from an individual perspective? Could help with gunnery, go extavehicular and jump to the other ship, or join a boarding part breaching onto the enemy's ships.

Ico is a good example too. That game actually makes the characters look as if they're actually there, and not skating across the surface.
I'd like a decent analogue controller for the pc - to use along side a mouse. (Half a GC pad attached to the desk would do the trick :))

Using a keyboard for movement/driving, especially in 3rd person games, and particularly those that involve stealth, is very poor compared to analogue control. Titles like PoP, Thief 3, Splinter Cell, GTA etc are all better on consoles because of analogue control (with all the extra control and immersion that it brings). Imagine controlling Mario 64 on a keyboard - it just wouldn't be possible.

(Golden Eye and Halo also used analogue movement very well - adding to both games imeasurably)

Max Payne 2 is a good example of how not to do it. Movement felt terribly clumsy, clunky and slidy. This game would have benefited greatly from analogue movement.

Digital movement used to be fine (and still is for some games - fast fps for one) but times change, and so should input devices.