What you really all need to remember!

Albeit I wholeheartedly agree with your point

Haven't ppl died in war everyday of the year at some point in history..?
Ikerous said:
Albeit I wholeheartedly agree with your point

Haven't ppl died in war everyday of the year at some point in history..?

Err, yes. But today is the remembrance of the Invasion of Normandy.
Man, I had a terrible day on the 4th. When it was nearing an end, I thought it was the 6th or something, which would have been incredibly ironic.

Was having a long day of hard work out in the blistering sun. Almost developed Hyperthermia there before I had to take a long break. But that's just work, nothing too much to complain about.

It was at night, when I was leaving my uncle's place that it got awful. On the dark back rural roads there, going about 25 in a 30mph area I hit a dog. It just suddenly burst onto the scene about 3 feet in front of the vehicle at breakneck speeds, and I hit it. It hit around the driver side wheel and the horrible cry of the dog as it hit was just awful. No time to brake or react or anything... Just... spottedBAM. Instant. Felt so damn awful. Then I kept hearing the terrible howling of the dog as I pulled to the side of the road and turned emergency flashers on. Went and talked to the family that was out there. The kids and family were playing in their yard at night, unseen from the road. The dog apparently was alive and hiding in the bushes, and they told me I should be on my way.

That was the start of the weird stuff. On the way home, the hour it took, I saw two large groups of police officers... including one with about half a dozen of fire trucks/ambulances, and a good dozen of police vehicles. On the other side was a chopper where somebody had to be airlifted. THen further on was about 6 police cruisers patrolling a plaza and placing up cones to cordon off the area. then throughout the rest of the city and on the highway home, about 10 more police cruisers. It was crazy, police left and right. At one point I had a police vehicle in front of me, and saw 2 more on the right.

Plus down the way home, I saw an emergency flasher detailing how a child had been kidnapped west, in Lubbock Texas. It was one damn crazy night, all started by how I hit that dog. The first dog I ever hit. But the point was, with such a crazy night, I could have sworn it was 06/06/06. But I guess not. Would have been damn ironic though.
Topic QFT.

I see no other significance to this day other than the Normandy Invasion.
Thank you for reminding me of how awesome my birthday is. I've got the coming of the Anti-Christ and kickass invasions all in one.

Now if anybody here can find an orgy that ended in tragedy on this date, I will be stoked.

"Energy and Commerce Committee announces it is probing Martha Stewart..."

Meh, close enough.