Whatever happened to CS2?


Oct 12, 2004
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Has anyone heard anything about CS2 lately? The last i heard was that ATI was going to bunble CS2 with their X800PRO/XT (http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=15820)...but that was back in May.

You don't think Valve is holding out on us, do you?

Any chance of it being released with HL2?
CS2 is still in the works. Same with TF2.
Neither will be comming out this year.
not even close, if its been on the down low, its still in the makeings.
The idea of a "CS2" seems very weird to me, and I'm usually gung-ho for sequels.
CS2 is in the early planning concept stages. Tf2 is next

CSS will most likely be a test bed for alot of the CS2 concepts later on. Most of the technologies people recieved in the hl1.5 update were all test bed concepts for tf2. I.E. voice chat netcode etc. Thats one of the great things about valve is how they streamline their testing process to the community ina way that the fans can helpd ecide what works what doesn't whats fun whats not and it creates better games in the end.
I highly doubt there will ever be a CS2

I know there's rumors that it's in the works, but i still think it's never coming

TF2, didnt they promiss that years ago? If they will release it, are they just going ot release that or a new game
ascii said:
Has anyone heard anything about CS2 lately? The last i heard was that ATI was going to bunble CS2 with their X800PRO/XT (http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=15820)...but that was back in May.

You don't think Valve is holding out on us, do you?

Any chance of it being released with HL2?

I think as long as Valve can sell the first CS over and over without anyone calling foul that CS2 will remain a pipedream.
it wont be a technical limitation but a design decision
agentsmith, ive seen at least 2 interviews with gooseman (creator of the original cs) talking about CS2. Its definitley being made as is tf2.
Both have been confirmed, they've said numerous times that the reason that they haven't made any gameplay changes in CS:s is because they want to save them for CS2.
god, if you read any of the source code leak a YEAR ago, you'd know tf2 is not just "in planning stages". i can say it very a long way into production. but i dont see it coming out this year.
all i've seen of CS2 is a video interview with lee minh and him showing off some weapon renders and animation
ukfluke said:
agentsmith, ive seen at least 2 interviews with gooseman (creator of the original cs) talking about CS2. Its definitley being made as is tf2.

And I recal interviews with them saying CS:S was just a port to test compatibility, not the full on HL2 MP component. I also recal them saying you would get CS:S Final with the Steam purchase but what we got was the exact same POS from the BETA and the 'suprises' they alluded to are nowhere to be found. Oh yeah, what about all that talk over this last couple years about the top secret HL2 MP? Guess that was all just BS too.

Fact of the matter is that Valve is as deceptive and misguiding as they need to be to sell thier next title, whether TF2 or CS2 ever comes is, honestly, beyond me but I know one thing for sure - I won't believe jack that Valve has to say as they have demonstrated that they will outright lie to make a few sales.
agentsmith, first off valve never said cs:s was just to test compatability. They also never said there was a hl2 theme multiplayer. The big secret was that cs was to be hl2 MP. ( i thought it might be cs2 but :( )

i will agree some statements they make are misleading if not blatent lies. Like the most famous one HL2 themed multiplayer beilevers often quote " I play it every day" - gabe around summer 2003 . Valve later said they never started work on cs:s until january 2004. Obvious big fat lie which i pointed out numerous times.

lesson of the day? listen to me im always right--ask para ;)
I saw a video of Cliffe saying that CS:S was exactly "a test of Source compatibility" and there where several statements going back years about the top secret HL2 MP - the two where described seperately. It is clear that something (time constraints or SOurce MP issues) that caused them to just opt for CS:S as MP and its incomplete and unpolished state is pretty fair evidence of that.
agentsmith you must post links becuase ive pretty much followed the evolution of HL2 since it was announced and nowhere did i see any statements of such kind from valve.

If these videos & quotes existed why did none of the HL2 Themed multiplayer beleivers point them out in the many threads on the subject? Of course in the stolen build u can connect to other users running it and play a "multiplayer" game but its extremely under-developed and looks like valve were just testing the source engine.

They probably didnt make a full on HL2 Multiplayer because the manipulator & physics is such a big part of the single player to leave them out the mp would look dumb. Just like the physics are dumb in cs:s. A manipulator gun fight would not be possible over the net due to lag.
So i guess my original question was:

What are the odds that CS 2 will ship with HL2 as the multiplayer portion of HL2?

I never heard that about the stolen code - what was that, like a co-op mode? mmmmmmmmmmmm HL2 Co-op.
ascii said:
What are the odds that CS 2 will ship with HL2 as the multiplayer portion of HL2?

Chance = 0%

My original answer remains (and I thinkit is pretty damn accurate); as long as Valve can keep selling CS over and over there is no reason to make CS2.
following the same line of thought,since they keep pumping out HL1 in different packages and people keep buying them...Why did they make HL2?

I believe there will (someday) be a CS2..we know TF2 will happen,just not when exactly
T.H.C.138 said:
following the same line of thought,since they keep pumping out HL1 in different packages and people keep buying them...Why did they make HL2?

I believe there will (someday) be a CS2..we know TF2 will happen,just not when exactly

How have they sold HL1 over and over? The expansions where differant stories and each had new and differant features and weapons (Opposing Force and the rest). The comparison here is if you bought HL2 SP and loaded it up and it was HL:Source (the strt port of HL to Source), that is what we have, in essence, with the MP.
AgentSmith said:
My original answer remains (and I thinkit is pretty damn accurate); as long as Valve can keep selling CS over and over there is no reason to make CS2.

Hardly anyone will buy CS at all anymore. CSS is the new thing and to get that you buy HL2. From a business POV Valve would be idiotic to not make CS2, a product they intend to sell individually as a stand alone game (besides steam like :)).
I am talking about HL1 and how it is in many different packages...platinum,GOTY,collectors edition....the expansion packs in no way entered into it...

it was more in reference to the statement of CS being re-packaged to death and why make CS2 if the "old" game still sells..

well HL1 still sells(although not as much as it did)...and it has been repacked to death...
Maybe so in that degreee but HL1 was never renamed and presented as a new title only to end up being nearly the exact same game like Condition Zero or CS:Source.
true enough..it was just the way I read your post..it struck me as odd and I seem to have misunderstood it anyways..oh well heh heh..sorry bout that!
T.H.C.138 said:
true enough..it was just the way I read your post..it struck me as odd and I seem to have misunderstood it anyways..oh well heh heh..sorry bout that!
Blame it on the Mary-j

ah well, can't we all just get a bong? err along.
hmm...i am pondering what we will see next (meaning after HL2 is released) from Valve.
i mean the general feeling is that DOD:Source is in the works to be released perhaps early in the new year if we are lucky but i am not even considering DOD right now.

i am thinking TF2 next? CS2? or the logical choice in having a HL2 expansion such as Opposing Force2 or some such? hmm...
Dr. Freeman said:
hmm...i am pondering what we will see next (meaning after HL2 is released) from Valve.
i mean the general feeling is that DOD:Source is in the works to be released perhaps early in the new year if we are lucky but i am not even considering DOD right now.

i am thinking TF2 next? CS2? or the logical choice in having a HL2 expansion such as Opposing Force2 or some such? hmm...

TF2 is definitely one of the next things on our plate. We're going to have a MOD expo here in Seattle, and spend some effort for a while getting the SDK in shape and working with the MOD community. Continuing support and content for CS:S is also high-priority. What's Half-Life 3? -Greg Coomer

TF2 is next - I even doubt that CSS will get much attention until TF2 is out.
AgentSmith said:
TF2 is next - I even doubt that CSS will get much attention until TF2 is out.

well that sucks in a way.
it means none of the older CS maps will be redone and so we are stuck playing the same old, same old.

hopefully TF2 is good tho.
I thought the hype about the hl2 mp was mostly community driven.

As I remember it, valve kept their mouth shut about multiplayer, and the community interpreted this as: "omg they havent said anything about it, it must be huge."

am i accurate in stating this?
Mac said:
I thought the hype about the hl2 mp was mostly community driven.

As I remember it, valve kept their mouth shut about multiplayer, and the community interpreted this as: "omg they havent said anything about it, it must be huge."

am i accurate in stating this?

Only sorta - Valve made several statements about "suprises" and the "top secret HL2 MP". They might not have claimed that we would be playing those nicks online in some way but I think they clearly fed the ensuing hype. They also claimed that CSS was just being ported to test compatibility because they knew people would try moving the olds games over. This claim was particuarly misleading because many people asked about CSS and the response was to play it down as just a test port, not as HL2s only MP. Couple those two remakrs and it gives a clear impression that the CSS thing was not what they had planned for HL2 MP. More importantly, Valve never stated that HL2 would not have an original MP which in and of its self is pretty cheap, they knew damn well what the hype was (which they fed even if they didn't start it). They also knew that CSS was not final but when it came time to give CSS in exchange for Steam orders they claimed it was 'packed with a few suprises' and that it was 'final'.

I think it is fair, given the above to say, that Valve outright lied about the whole HL2 MP scenario - at the very least the manipulated the truth to create sales knowing that some would be buying tht would not (or might wait for MODs) if they knew HL2 had no original MP.
I really think valve is just yanking our chain. The leak had MP... If leak had MP the only way that the final wont is if they take it out... you know how long it would take someone over at hl2world to stip the mp code outa the leak and put it into the final? lol
mayro said:
I really think valve is just yanking our chain. The leak had MP... If leak had MP the only way that the final wont is if they take it out... you know how long it would take someone over at hl2world to stip the mp code outa the leak and put it into the final? lol

Q. Are there any plans for a standalone Half-Life 2 multiplayer part, deathmatch, co-op, somewhere down the line?

Doug Lombardi: Nope.


Just going by what they keep saying.
killahsin-[CE] said:
CS2 is in the early planning concept stages. Tf2 is next

CSS will most likely be a test bed for alot of the CS2 concepts later on. Most of the technologies people recieved in the hl1.5 update were all test bed concepts for tf2. I.E. voice chat netcode etc. Thats one of the great things about valve is how they streamline their testing process to the community ina way that the fans can helpd ecide what works what doesn't whats fun whats not and it creates better games in the end.
seems more likely that that will be the function of CS:CZ:S. They need more features exclusive to CZ to make it worth it. :cheese: