What's a cool visualization plug-in for Winamp?

I used to use Winamp but if you got an iPod use iTunes its hax.
iTunes has a great music libarary thinger. You can sort by Title, Artist and all that good stuff. You can also make playlists, it keeps track of the songs you listen to the most, and you dont have to worry about the Music Store you can disable that in the options if you need to. You can DL it for PC thank god because who wants a Mac. :cheese:

Heres a shot of my iTunes. If you think its to big theres also a "mini player" option that makes it alot smaller. Look at all those Children of Bodom plays. :thumbs:

I have itunes too. I like it alot. It is the best music player since winamp 2.
I make those visulizatoins a lot.

mabie if you want I can e-mail you some?

I know the file size for them is really really small.

[edit] they're nothing big and fancy, its just some basic stuff, but some are really cool [/edit]
iTunes is good, but it lacks two things I wish Apple would support: Ogg Vorbis and a skinnable interface.