Whats a good amount...


May 25, 2003
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Can anyone give me what a good amount of weight (Lbs preferably) to use dumbells would be (16 y/o male 120 lbs). that would be good thanks
Well, how much are you comfortable with? At 120 lbs, you're probably not the bulkiest chap, so I doubt you'll be lifting 300, but it's really just a matter of your own choice. Start very low, and go up until you find the right weight.
start small and work your way up. NEVER start with weights you cant do more than a few reps with ..seriously you should be using 5-10 pound dumbells till your body gets used to it ..or you'll be very sore tommorrow
When you use a dumbell you should be able to do about 15 reps if your going for strength increase. On the 15th rep your arm should be very tired but not hurting or dead. You don't want to strain it too much!
well, usually 15-20 is good...but im not 120 lbs anymore...just go to a sports store and lift some of them, which ever ones give you some resistance should be the best choice (atleast thats what my coach told me :\)
I did 20s with no prob in the sports store in the mall on my break..so maybe Ill do 20s or 25 thanks
Start with little and work your way from there.

Remember, you don't want your arm to hurt. You stop when your arm feels very tired, but doesn't hurt. Then it will be sore the next day, but that's good.
An amount that you can just lift, that you're comfortable with.

Only do 12 Reps per set, this is Shodans fun tip No# 3.
you can buy a system of weights that is all in one


expensive but last a lifetime and there's never a need to upgrade. I used them for years
What exercise is this for??
I use anything from 15kg dumbells for reverse forearm curls to 130kg barbell benchpress.
You weigh 120lbs? If I ever meet you I'm going to ****ing eat you.
short recoil said:
130kg barbell benchpress.

Goodness gracious.

Anyways, it all depends on the exercise, just like short recoil said. Since you are a newbie to weight training, I'm assuming you will stick with the generic bicep curl/bench philosophy for a while. While that sucks, it should tide you over until you actually learn a thing or two about weight training.

Someone mentioned keeping the reps high, which is good. Seeing as you are a beginner, stick with reps in the 12-15 range as your body gets more and more used to the form and weight. And never sacrifice proper lifting form for additional weight, especially when starting out. Start off with good habits and you'll get stronger.
Yeah, it really depends on what life you're doing. If you're doing something like shoulder shrugs you could go pretty high, but anything that involves holding the weights away from your body should be a lot lighter. Dumbell exercises I personally recommend are:
bench press (even better if done on swiss ball)

military press (also can be done on ball, but back support helps for heavier weight)
one arm rows/pulls (one leg straight, one knee on a bench, one hand on a bench, you can pull up a lot of weight)
reverse fly (lying on bench or swiss ball face down, slowly flap your arms like a bird with 10 or 20 lbs)
one arm clean and jerk (try it with one leg starting squated low for more fun)