What's scarier than snakes on a plane?


May 16, 2003
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Nobody in the cockpit!


The incident occurred aboard a flight from Ottawa to Winnipeg on Saturday. The regional jet, capable of carrying 50 people, was operated by Air Canada's Jazz subsidiary.

Jazz spokeswoman Manon Stewart said that with 30 minutes of the flight to go, the pilot went to the washroom, leaving the first officer in charge. But when he tried to get back into the cockpit, the door would not open.
still the copilot would have landed the plane anyway as normal - the pilot typically takes control in the air afaik
the first officer was in the cockpit, there was no danger to the plane

Canada.com said:
The first officer was at the controls, as is usual in such situations.
Oh no, the terrorists have sabotaged the locks while the jet was in repairs!
Hungry Snakes in your pants and boxors?
Pfft, you guys don't know what the Jazz is all about.
(in response to thread title)
... this tired out cliche of a pop culture reference?
Nobody in the cockpit? That's not scary at all. Planes don't need pilots, the plane flies itself.
Want to know a funny fact? You know how almost every new plane these days (and all in the us? afaik?) have like re-inforced cockpit doors. Imagine what could happend if the pilot got locked out, and the copilot has a stroke/insert disease here.
Want to know a funny fact? You know how almost every new plane these days (and all in the us? afaik?) have like re-inforced cockpit doors. Imagine what could happend if the pilot got locked out, and the copilot has a stroke/insert disease here.

The lawd saves the plane.