What's so wrong with curse words?


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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Personally, I don't think they are anything, rightly. Just another word to describe your feelings...Oh well...I wonder if we can add more words to it!
Religion maybe? That would be my guess. Then again, religion also banned "evil" chords from been played in a place of worship. :O

EDIT: I think religion was the cause. Sorry if what I previously said made no sense.
Absolutely nothing. Ass cock f*ck c*nt shit piss damn son of a bitch. Any objections? Speak now or forever hold your mother ****ing peace.

Thought not.
Satan made curse words, and Hitler helped.

No but really, I don't mind curse words, I just get really annoyed when pre-teens or little punks use curse words in every sentence to try and sound cool.

As long as they are used in the right areas, they are perfectly fine. Everything in moderation.
It's all a conspiracy from corporate America to keep us happy so we won't realize the flaws in the system.
in a near future some curse words will stop being considered "bad" and them they will lose theyr charm and be replaced by other ones
Satan made curse words, and Hitler helped.

No but really, I don't mind curse words, I just get really annoyed when pre-teens or little punks use curse words in every sentence to try and sound cool.

As long as they are used in the right areas, they are perfectly fine. Everything in moderation.
Lol who said it spiced up your vocabulary? I think it was Spongebob. Anywho you really just sound stupid. Ever hear anybody go F that F this? Or just in a normal conversation the person is like "yeah so that dog just made a shit on my lawn. The ****ing basterd." Or "yeah that dog just made a mess on my lawn. The stupid dog." It's not neccasary and just makes a conversation sound :eek: when you use the word. *What if you just went up to a girl and said "hey bitch"?
I think over the years swearing has become more acceptable.

hool10 said:
Or just in a normal conversation the person is like "yeah so that dog just made a shit on my lawn, the ****ing basterd." Or "yeah that dog just too a mess on my lawn, stupid dog." It's not neccasary and just makes a conversation sound :eek: when you use the word.

Yeah, I agree. I cannot stand to be around people who use f*ck for every other word. People need to start using other words, but curses have become such a mainstay.
am I the only one who thinks modern teens use the word "c*nt" way to much to try and sound hard core? So many hard core kids calling people "c*nts", gunna get their butt ripped off
Anywho you really just sound stupid. Ever hear anybody go F that F this? Or just in a normal conversation the person is like "yeah so that dog just made a shit on my lawn. The ****ing basterd." Or "yeah that dog just made a mess on my lawn. The stupid dog." It's not neccasary and just makes a conversation sound :eek: when you use the word.

apparently you didn't read my f*cking post f*cking correctly.

I said in the right areas, do you know what that f*cking means?

That means if I wanna say-

"oh shit, I failed my test!"

instead of saying "Oh heavens, I failed my test!"
-then that is OK

Yeah, people use to many f*cking F words in sentences, I agree, but in f*cking moderation, I think it's f*cking okay.

I think young kids like to abuse the term ******. When i was younger you didn't hear the word except in a Samuel l Jackson movie. Now you hear these 8 year olds on xbox live using it like its going out of style. I don't get it...

as for swears...i tend to use the f-bomb when im annoyed, it actually makes me feel better when saying it to be honest....it relieves a little bit of anxiety. Is that sad?
I think young kids like to abuse the term ******. When i was younger you didn't hear the word except in a Samuel l Jackson movie. Now you hear these 8 year olds on xbox live using it like its going out of style. I don't get it...

as for swears...i tend to use the f-bomb when im annoyed, it actually makes me feel better when saying it to be honest...

i agreez
Nothing, really. But obviously if you use them too much you sound like an idiot. That applies to any word.
I hate going to a public place with my friends because they always swear with no disregard to the people around them. Mainly food joints, like Pizza Hut and the rare occasion we pop into McDonalds for a milkshake or something, and theres kids around and stuff. Really embarrasses me, and you just know the parents heard what was said and are judging everyone, and I don't want to be a complete bastard like that.
Since words only have meaning so far as we ascribe it to them, and people only have identity as long as it is recognised by others, I suppose we should respect other people's conception of the word fuck, and whether they want to hear it or not.
Well, in the vein that's said by a few friends of mine it's usually meant in an angry way, or to empthasise an annoyance, etc. It's just they sometimes say it loudly, so bluntly, that I know when I hear it shouted about I often feel quite intimidated, and I'd hate for parents, with their kids, to feel the same.

I don't know.
I mumble FFS whenever something happens which coincidently annoys me.
That's what I meant. Most people don't have a problem with it in normal conversation but just because you don't it doesn't mean you should shout it out in front of 7-year olds.
Well, the biggest problem is that using them puts the opposite sex off of sleeping with you.

-Angry Lawyer
Speaking of 8yr olds...for some reason, they think it's cool to write in 1337.
Don't be afraid of curse words. Don't be afraid to just bust out and say, "mother****er!" every once in awhile.

Oh, what's that, HL2.net? Wordfilter?

FUCK your wordfilter.
When I was with two of my friends, my friend Vince was talking about sex, and he mentioned the word "Sexual Intercourse" and this cocky 7th grader was with all of his friends and says "hey what are you guys talkin about?" and Vince responds "Nothing."
and so the kid says "hehe, I just heard you mention Sexual Intercourse, and I was like sweet. I like Sexual Intercourse, hehe"
Vince: "yeah."

I hate when little pissheads try to be sweet by trying to be in conversations about sex.
I've recently been enjoying mixing words around. Like calling someone a vagina.
In Quebec, a number of profanities are expressed using words from the Catholic church. It is often considered as the stronger form of profanity as opposed to sex related curse words. That's why it's really frown upon here.

Wikipedia said:
These sacres are given in a phonetic spelling to indicate the differences in pronunciation from the original word, several of which, notably the deletion of final consonants and change of [ɛ] to [a] before /r/ are typical of slangish Quebec French.

* crisse (Christ) - "Christ"
* calice (calice) - "chalice"
* caltore (calice et tabarnac) - "chalice"
* ostie (hostie) - "host"
* ciboire - "ciborium" or "pyx", the receptacle in which the host is stored
* tabarnac (tabernacle) - "tabernacle"
* calvaire - "Calvary"
* viarge (vierge) - "the Virgin Mary"
* bapteme - "baptism"
* ciarge (cierge) - "votive or Paschal candle"
* maudit - "damn"
* Mozusse (Moise)- "Moses"
Nothing. It's the context they're in, the only thing that matters. A sentence in which I wish your mother dies will still be a sentence where I wish your mother dies if I take all "fucks" out.

I completely agree with the Penn & Teller episode on this one.
Don't be afraid of curse words. Don't be afraid to just bust out and say, "mother****er!" every once in awhile.

Oh, what's that, HL2.net? Wordfilter?

FUCK your wordfilter.
I truly wish I could add that to my sig but there is no room. :( I'm gonna bring in my "racist" thread up again and say cussing is becoming more of a mainstream thing because of the media. The n word is becoming more accepted because of black comedians. I consider certain words not really cuss words like the word "damn" for instance. If you said the word "damn" in the heavy Christian south though they will tell you off for it. I know that my proffession has 2 kinds of people. The welders who are sweaty construction bums that are complete bums and cuss all the time. Then there are people who get sweaty, not too sweaty, and work in nice environments. They are generally smart people who don't cuss and are well mannered. Let's see how fast you last at a customer service place using cuss words. Does the companies image represent the beer belly construction worker who could care less about manners, or the smart well mannered welder? And lets face it, what job doesn't involve you working with a customer?
One should only use cursewords if one feels like it.

Although, many cursewords can be used for comedic/dramatic effect if not over-used, which is why it's good that they're not always censoring words like **** and shit on british TV. Although I've often wondered how that system works, I'm guessing they stop bleeping stuff out after a certain time at night?
Personally, I don't say stuff I don't mean or say just for effect. And excess kills the meaning.
I swear too much...at work me and my work-mates will be talkin to each other (swearing included) with customers of all ages walking around...

I swear too much...at work me and my work-mates will be talkin to each other (swearing included) with customers of all ages walking around...


I call girls bitches all the time as a joke. When they take offense to it, thats when I know I don't like them as a person.

Sorry, learned a new word today.
