Whats that? Im fired? WTF OMFGz0r FU nubl3tS!!


Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
(well i was a busboy in a restaurant)

So i got a phone call from my job about a week ago.....wasnt good news. They fired my ass. Some bs about me not doing like i should, and that it wasnt really working out... sorta kinda, yeah.

Anyway so im just like whatever, when i coulda said a bunch of shit about the waitresses there because they're such a bunch of bitches. But now im unemployed and only have about 300 bucks.

Im going to have to manage my money untill i can get another job but i cant help myself...i have to buy Rome Total war this weekend cause it looks too good. I already have HL2 payed off so im fine there...then theres EQ2 where i have about $15 to pay off (cause i preordered) and then ill have to pay for the monthly fee.

With 300 bucks i should be good for awhile i guess...just cant go get whatever i want now.

Ah this is my first "getting fired" expirence in life......maybe more to come. So how about you guys? when were you first fired or were you ever fired from your job? (and what for)
*Slaps the restraunt Calhoun was fired from*
*Hops in a strider and then goes back and blows it to pieces*
There, the deed is done ;).
I get blamed for crap I don't do at work all the time, and I get the feeling like everyone hates me. If there is any random task to be done, this one girl always makes me do it. Either she hates me or likes me...hmm.
Grab the nearest gun, go back there and take them down :sniper:
Minerel said:
*Slaps the restraunt Calhoun was fired from*
*Hops in a strider and then goes back and blows it to pieces*
There, the deed is done ;).

hey yea

take vengeance of the restaurant PUTTING A BOMB IN THE RESTAURANT
I'm a college student, and if they fire me from there I'll be all like "Yay!" and get a real job..
I wouldn't get the games if I only had $300 and did not have a future income source already lined up. Should do a search for a job immediately, there's always something somewhere :].
Tredoslop said:
Maybe they had a good reason for firing you, B. Calhoun.

Or maybe they hadn't? People often get fired without a fit reason, I don't think you should go indirectly calling him incompetetent like that.
But you can't really tell. What if he was farting loudly in front of everyone and smelling like monkey crap?
Tredoslop said:
But you can't really tell. What if he was farting loudly in front of everyone and smelling like monkey crap?

ummmm no. Ill be looking for a job but 300 should hold me over for a lil while, i just cant go spending money on stupid crap like going to movies and buying worthless things....Rome total war might just save me from going insane as i wait for EQ2 though...
Having little money really makes a person grow. I know, because I've had quite a few periods in my life with very little money. Just make the right desicions, or learn from your mistakes.
I was fired from the first and only real job I ever had. Well, more like relieved, they found a machine that could do it faster and cheaper.
that sucks...well for me i never been fired, i sorta quit to another job

good luck finding another job
Sing Row Row Row Your Boat on a curbside in New York City. Don't bathe again. People will give you money for free!
Well, where i work this week, they've fired one person each day because production orders are grinding to a halt. They've moved molding over to assembly with us, now they don't have much room left.

Tonight is my friday, and they usually lay people off on fridays, so i'm expecting to get cut today. Wish me luck guys. :(
Bad^Hat said:
I was fired from the first and only real job I ever had. Well, more like relieved, they found a machine that could do it faster and cheaper.
Laid off. Same as fired, but fired is generally reserved for terminations due to a malpractice, things like that.


Not that the term laid off makes the entire ordeal any easier, it just seems to be better to say.
Bad^Hat said:
I was fired from the first and only real job I ever had. Well, more like relieved, they found a machine that could do it faster and cheaper.
did you manually masturbate zoo animals? yeah... me too.

I've never been fired.
I've never been fired... :O

Unless you count the time Greenpeace "removed" me from one of their protests because I was humping trees... :hmph:
Sorry but its your destiny to guard black mesa research labs, its a message that you have the wrong job barney
I think that you getting a job is more important that some video-games.
You know you can sue your boss or whoever fired you if they did it with no good reason, give 'em a call and ask for the reason you were fired, and if they say they don't need to give you details, you say "I'll see you in court"


Although a lawyer would cost you :hmph:
I have an endless source of moneh!

Don't you have unemployment funds there in the USA ?
RakuraiTenjin said:
Laid off. Same as fired, but fired is generally reserved for terminations due to a malpractice, things like that.


Not that the term laid off makes the entire ordeal any easier, it just seems to be better to say.

Uh no the term your looking for is Redundant. If your services are obslete you're branded redundant, but get some extra cash to help when looking for another job.

JunkieXL said:
You know you can sue your boss or whoever fired you if they did it with no good reason, give 'em a call and ask for the reason you were fired, and if they say they don't need to give you details, you say "I'll see you in court"


Although a lawyer would cost you :hmph:

True workers have rights. Sadly though many people don't know their rights.

/edit preserved for Hilarity
True wokers have rights.
Well i hated being in the resturant business anyway...waiting on people sucks ass. I guess ill looking for a different type of job, maybe ill work for my uncle whose in construction for a lil it. But ima look for some options.
I was in the service sector for a time. Serving people really isn't my cup of tea, I just don't have the patience for it. The majority of people are just plain stupid. They are assholes. They TRY to make your life difficult, because they know they are the customer and this is one of the few times they can get away with it.
Personally I really like the serving business. Maybe it's just me then :P
I dont even have a ****ing job yet. *grumble*
I actually got fired for the first time about two weeks ago. I was going to quit anyway coz the job made me miserable. ****ing terrible.

I'm only 18, and I got uni next year, so I gotta get another job soon.
Its funny because the people that do the firing are generally the ones trapped in their job.