What's the big deal about a delay anyway?

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Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
'Is it gonna be the 30th or not?'

It seems that this question is the sole thing that is bothering most people on this forum. I have to admit, I am very anxious to play HL2 as well. But I also remember the forums full of complaints about bugs in Vietcong, Raven Shield and Enter the Matrix (to name just a few games-that-were-really-beta's published earlier this year).

My point is: I'd rather play a finished game in december (or even 2004 for that matter), than get angry about all the bugs in two or three weeks. We have only known for half a year - let alone half a life (very poor pun intended) - that HL2 is coming out; waiting a couple of months more should be doable, especially when knowing it is for a good cause.

There is just one reason for delay that I wouldn't accept: optimising the game for preferred hardware. Valve is going to make a shiitload from this game anyway, and they shouldn't get too greedy.
Originally posted by Shakermaker
'Is it gonna be the 30th or not?'

It seems that this question is the sole thing that is bothering most people on this forum. I have to admit, I am very anxious to play HL2 as well. But I also remember the forums full of complaints about bugs in Vietcong, Raven Shield and Enter the Matrix (to name just a few games-that-were-really-beta's published earlier this year).

My point is: I'd rather play a finished game in december (or even 2004 for that matter), than get angry about all the bugs in two or three weeks. We have only known for half a year - let alone half a life (very poor pun intended) - that HL2 is coming out; waiting a couple of months more should be doable, especially when knowing it is for a good cause.

There is just one reason for delay that I wouldn't accept: optimising the game for preferred hardware. Valve is going to make a shiitload from this game anyway, and they shouldn't get too greedy.

Your an idiot aren't you?
Re: Re: What's the big deal about a delay anyway?

Originally posted by GJaaGular
Your an idiot aren't you?

It's You're . Who was the idiot?
my heads spinning in circles from all these threads (i feel like throwing up sometimes) :( I cant wait till this is all over and we all can go our own ways and play and forget this place ever existed. sigh....
Oh dear, close this thread
Though I don't think a ban is in order :-P
Originally posted by Tork
my heads spinning in circles from all these threads (i feel like throwing up sometimes) :( I cant wait till this is all over and we all can go our own ways and play and forget this place ever existed. sigh....

Lol yea this is like that time i woke up and me and my priest were spooning..wait..this has nothing to do with that why did i just tell them that...
Yeah when HL2 is released it will just be "omg HL2 suks look at this" threads, so, strap yaself in get some popcorn and hold on for dear life :)
You know, when Greg Coomer said that Half-Life 2 wasn't delayed to Euro Gamer I read their comments section and people were saying "I'd rather they'll delay it than release something that's buggy" and stuff.

I don't see why people are assuming that the game will be buggy if it's released on time. The reason it hasn't gone gold yet is because they are getting rid of all the last minute bugs. Trust Valve, please.
I do trust Valve. If I wouldn't I wouldn't want to buy the game in the first place now would I? I just don't want Valve to rush on things to get everything right on that planned date. If Valve needs more time, then that's OK with me.
Originally posted by Shakermaker

My point is: I'd rather play a finished game in december (or even 2004 for that matter), than get angry about all the bugs in two or three weeks. We have only known for half a year - let alone half a life (very poor pun intended) - that HL2 is coming out; waiting a couple of months more should be doable, especially when knowing it is for a good cause.

There is just one reason for delay that I wouldn't accept: optimising the game for preferred hardware. Valve is going to make a shiitload from this game anyway, and they shouldn't get too greedy.

Alot of people like me have been in here day in and day out looking for any scrap of information on halflife2. So hearing that its okay for it to be delayed until december or 2004 is crazy. I cannot wait that long for any game... alot of people cant either. Bugs can be patched, as long as the game can run I will be happy. I also think valve would not release a bug infested game, a few bugs here and there is okay, look at BF1942 for example it had many bugs but did that stop people from playing it ? nope. Games like enter the matrix sucked to begin with. So if it does not release on September 30th or october first i will be VERY disappointed like many others. Im sorry if i sound like a selfish bas*ard but this cant go any longer.
Also gotta remember that this game has been in the works for 5 years and with the "Orange Mode" that they have implemented gabe has said that they were able to get sections of the game to the beta testers much quicker than most other games have.
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