What's the deal with Father Grigory?


Oct 11, 2004
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Im just a bit confused. Is he mad? If not why does he stay in Ravenholm when he knows the way out? How does he survive? i mean he has to sleep sometime..
no, seriously :hmph: Why would somebody stay in a place like that?

Father Gregory is in fact, a real priest. He stays in Ravenholm to "save" the remainders of his flock, who were mutated into Zombies by the Combine's biological weapons. He "saves" his flock by killing them.

Father Gregory is also a metaphor for Gordon's protector - sort of. He leaves it up to Gordon to figure out his (Gregory's) devious "traps." Along the way, Father Gregory preaches to Gordon and his flock.
ohh i get it now. He is saving them from eternal unrest by killing them. Nice one
Jangle said:
ohh i get it now. He is saving them from eternal unrest by killing them. Nice one
He's obviously a tad off the handle.
As for sleeping- well... he must have a safe room somewhere, maybe a place accessiable through a ladder which zombies can't climb, they're too clumbsy.
I think the church is his safehouse. It's fenced off from both the town and the graveyard. He's been there for at least a year, experimenting on the zombies and building traps.
AJ Rimmer said:
He's obviously a tad off the handle.
As for sleeping- well... he must have a safe room somewhere, maybe a place accessiable through a ladder which zombies can't climb, they're too clumbsy.

The fast zombies could probably climb it.
he's just a man who knows how to take responsibility for his people...
...by shooting them in the head that is, thus ending their torment.

maybe we'll learn more about Grigori in one of the expansion packs.

and yeah - he didn't die in that fiery fight on the cementary. he retreated inside the tomb behind him and then disapeared. at least that's what happened in my game;)
oberGeist said:
and yeah - he didn't die in that fiery fight on the cementary. he retreated inside the tomb behind him and then disapeared. at least that's what happened in my game;)
In my game the zombies trapped him in a corner. And as his character wasn't supposed to die, he just stood there laughing and shooting at the growing flock of zombies :p
If he died, that's 'cause you let too many zombies get close enough to hack at his body earlier. He wasn't given unlimited health, but his death wasn't scripted, either.

Father Grigori, IMHO, was totally badass.
Its interestign how he has been tamperign with the headcrabs and stuff, pretty much doing an Aliens resurection and placing people next to headcrabs...(on those tables if you remember)
Samon said:
Its interestign how he has been tamperign with the headcrabs and stuff, pretty much doing an Aliens resurection and placing people next to headcrabs...(on those tables if you remember)

Nah, there were no straps or anything like that, and it would be totally out of character.

It looked more to me that those were disection tables, where he examined his kills.
Yeah, it looked like he was trying to remove the headcrabs instead of putting them on people. He's mad but not that mad.

Am I the only one who can imagine a Father Grigori expansion pack? It could tell the story of Ravenholm. The only problem is that it couldn't last very long (Zombies would get boring after a bit).
Feath said:
Am I the only one who can imagine a Father Grigori expansion pack? It could tell the story of Ravenholm. The only problem is that it couldn't last very long (Zombies would get boring after a bit).

It could be "escape from ravenholm" :p

But yeah, having only the hunting rifle, physics traps and zombies would either be boring or awesome. I dunno which.
Well, I don't know about playing Grigori but anything where you're escaping from Ravenholm with Grigori as a principle character leading the fight out would rule...

Throwable meathook instead of a crowbar, all those traps, shotguns and other lower-tech "Earth" weapons... hell, for objectives you could help Grigori and survivors set the traps up :naughty:

Massive spoilers for this unmade, imaginery SP mod below!

After everything's said and done, the Combine resume the headcrab shelling, killing off everyone else (possibly even the player), and Grigori, the only living human, decides to stay behind and tend to his flock.
The guys a cooky-bastage who had alot of ammo and a religious temperment... Priests + Big Guns + Zombies = Good Entertainment
Loved Grigori. Man the Ravenholm is truly great. Remember the graveyard and how you could kill 10 zombies at once with a blade and the grav gun. Kinda like with combines and energy balls on benefactors. :LOL:
maybe the could release something like "episodes of halflife" with a level on Grigori, and one of Barney, maybe even one of Dog - how he got from Black Mesa East to the city
They may very well be doing that with the promised "ATI levels". I seem to remember something about an add on where you play Alyx Vance in one of the old Gabe Newell interviews. I'll see if I can dig it up.
The entire level was a blatent excuse for depraved violence and phsychotic wish fulfilment. Also it was a damn good laugh. With the mad preacher thrown in it became a big fat metaphor for hell. Had me spooked anyway.
His voice reminded me of the preacher in the film The Omen, it's not the same actor is it?
Somebody said too many zombies could get boring, have you played Halo? They don't call them the flood for nothing.
Is anyone else interested in ideas that pass from game to game or am I an ubergeek? (E.G. fast running jumping zombies from Halo now in Half Life 2?
Fair enough Halo nicked loads of stuff from half life
i thought father gregory was awesome, and even if he wasnt mad, i thought he was insane anyway
He's a bit underdeveloped IMO (oooh look, a mad priest with a shotgun, I'd like it if they actually related this to the combine properly), but still cool.
I can imagine an expansion pack wherein you're in ravenholm before it's shelled and fighting combine
then they shell it and there are zombies all over and throughout the game you get to see ravenholm get worse and worse
jimmyjam said:
I can imagine an expansion pack wherein you're in ravenholm before it's shelled and fighting combine
then they shell it and there are zombies all over and throughout the game you get to see ravenholm get worse and worse
Wow, that's actually a pretty good idea :D
his congreattion are the zombies and he thinks its his duty to kill them all thus sending them to the entral life :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :borg: :borg:
Poor Father Gregori. He's just a guy with some mental health problems who can't get the medication he needs. It's a sure sign that the Combine doesn't support government-funded health care.
I'd like a scene where artfully, you, playing Grigori, walk into the Church, to benches full of seemingly dead zombies. As you walk down the isle to the holy water, they all stand up behind you. It'd be fugging beautiful. On that bible stand at the front, there is a shotgun.

That's just the start of it. Grigori was only coming to church for his normal Sunday Ceremony. Good job he was late!
just because hes a priest doesnt mean he can get away with all that manic laughter. I think he has problems.
no, its because he is a priest that he can get away with it... it makes it so much better :)
Jangle said:
just because hes a priest doesnt mean he can get away with all that manic laughter. I think he has problems.

I think you would too.
I'm betting I'd do the same if I were in that situation. Think, all the people you've cared about and loved and that have trusted you all their lives have turned into mindless zombies. Then, when trying to escape you happen to torch one and hear the pained screams of the good people they once were.

I can see him escaping with Alex and the rest, then hearing the screams and turning back, saying "Go on without me, I have work to finish".

Then, while "saving" the people, I'd be laughing hysterically as I chop up my friends and family (even though I know its not really them), cause otherwise I wouldn't be able to go on with it.

Makes sense to me.
I agree with DSDchemE, Father Gregory is a very cool character but clearly unhinged - though not without good reason, with the whole killing everyone he used to care about. It's also obvious that Alyx and co used to go to Ravenholme ("we dont go there anymore")

I do love the way that you first see him in the window above the zombie bbq. The way the light shines from behind him makes him look kind of supernatural - its a fantastically cinematic effect and shows how much thought Valve put into the set-pieces not just in the technology used but also in the best use of simple effects of lighting and shadows. Very good indeed.
Has anyone else noticed that he wears converses? Kinda funny for a preist...

qTIP said:
Has anyone else noticed that he wears converses? Kinda funny for a preist...

Well he has good taste in shoes. I did notice it though. I thought it was cool, he has the same shoes I do!
Yeah, those are awesome shoes. I bet he's got gel-insoles and everything. He's got a lot of running to do, y'know. He might as well have comfy feet.
he doesn't run much, seems like he mainly just shoots.
Maybe Ravenholm was a sleepy little European village where the Black Mesa East (or is it West?) people went to have some R & R. Kinda makes sense that the village would flourish coz the Resistance could protect the village from the alien wildlife. Too bad about the Headcrab mortars though...

Gregori rocks. :thumbs: