What's the deal with wine?

^- girl

white wine gives me headaches ..too sweet

red wine suits pretty much any occasion, have it with meals fairly often. my parents are from spain so it's always been around, dad used to make his own ..wasnt the greatest but it got you drunk fast
I BLOODY love wine. White, mostly. Or ros?. In fact, I am drinking it right now.
I'll drink any red, and I don't mind white, but rose too often leaves me with an aftertaste like vomit.

I prefer beers/ales really. However I like to eat while I drink and there are some foods that most beer just doesn't go well with. Eg. I love a bit of goat's cheese, but some lagers combine with it to form a taste like battery acid. That is a time for a nice red wine.
Lol, seriously is the average hl2.netter 13 or something? This thread is epic lulz


Can't walk into a topic about alcohol without people saying "wtf alcohol? tastes like pizz, man!". And it all smacks heavily of inexperience with it.

I like lots of different kinds of booze, but this was the first time trying wine, and I'm just saying - It sucks.
How can you say that? Wine != Petrol

Wine tastes nice :D

And I don't ever recall petrol being made out of grapes...

alcohol is ethanol which is a key component of gasoline

Eggnog > You


eggnog is the best fackin drink ever. so sweet, so creamy...i love it
If they made some sort of marijuana-infused egg nog drink, I would die of lactose poisoning.

I would find a way.
Wine is good for your innards in moderate amounts, beer and other is not. Wine tastes good with proper food. Wine is good.

You should drink more wine.

And thanks to smoking a fair amount of very smelly weed, I now come perilously close to enjoying the scent of skunks. :|

Skunk smells like coffee to me for some reason. Not any special coffee, just generic coffee. Every time I smell it I think I'm smelling coffee.
Didn't used to drink wine until I met my ex.

She was a toff :D

In fact... she's coming down tonight ^,^
Wine is good for your innards in moderate amounts, beer and other is not. Wine tastes good with proper food. Wine is good.

You should drink more wine.
I've actually seen studies that beer can help to prevent the development of certain kinds of cancer, so :P
Seriously, I think beer tastes like vomit. It makes me shudder to think about.
Oh I LOVE that cherry beer! They sell it in this little bar near me. I take my beer comments back, concerning cherry beer.

Ohnoes, your plaster! Why does that mean you can't have beer though?
Oh I LOVE that cherry beer! They sell it in this little bar near me. I take my beer comments back, concerning cherry beer.

Ohnoes, your plaster! Why does that mean you can't have beer though?
Because I can't go and get it :p That, and it's 11:23 PM here, so going to the local distributor will be a bit hard seeing as he's closed :)
Bummer. Hoppity hop at the earliest possible time. Cherry beer is worth it.
Different wine can pair up excellent with different kinds of food. It makes for a great dinner/social event. Which is probably why you rarely ran into wine drinkers in college because they just drank to get obliderated.
I like drinking wine because I'm a sophisticated bastard who likes suits.
alcohol is ethanol which is a key component of gasoline

By your conclusion, water = air. They're just totally different things.

By your reasoning, a car could also be an engine, because an engine is a key component of a car.