What's the oldest game in your collection?


Jul 11, 2003
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The oldest game I still have is probably the original floppy disk version of Maniac Mansion, I'm talking about the 5.25 inch floppy disks that haven't been supported for like a decade. You know...the ones that were ACTUALLY FLOPPY! I've got the original manual and box as well, I loved that game so much I just couldn't bear throwing that stuff out, which is what I did with all my other really old (5.25 inch) games a few years ago, since I had no idea how I could ever use them again.

The oldest game I have on CD is probably the 7th Guest...I never bought Myst. Hehe, guess I dated myself pretty hard with this thread.
There is an old Amstrad in my garage somewhere, used to play Operation Wolf on it (my first memory of playing a computer game). That was one of the old badass floppy disks too :D
Probably something for my amiga 500 (I cant remember any names). Anything before that was thrown away or sold.

For my PC it would likely be Command and Conquer or Theme Park (Which came first?)
hm tough one.

I had a load of games on floppies but the carrier I kept them in went missing.

The oldest game now is probably on disk is Duke Nukem, although I transferred Wolfenstein 3D onto my computer, it's on my hard drive some place.
I have space quest with roger wilco 1-5 in my house somewhere. Also, I have the original Spelunx and the Caves of Mr. Seudo, along with Marathon 1. I played those on a mac i got 14 years ago. Oh, but i played roger wilco on a pc.
i dont have it any more [i dont think anyway, might be in the loft], but i had an original home pong thing, where it was like a few knobs and rudders on this big box, and it came with pong, some table tennis game, and maybe 2 others, and it plughged into the tv.
I got rid of them last century.

At the moment is KingPin One.

Interplay revealed that they will release a sequel to Kingpin, the first-person shooter game developed in 1999 by Xatrix Entertainment (now Gray Matter Studios). Kingpin 2 is expected on PC and Xbox, but a release date was not yet announced.
PC wise.......Elite II (it comes on one floppy disc....and it's massive :O )
I have the original loderunner, thats pretty old, like 11 years since i had that, my oldest game on CD is probably Marathon.

Ahh... the days when i used to be a Mac user
(oh and i had pong too but that came on my comp)
original tie fighter, and original doom, which i play frequently :D
The piece of paper i played my first tic-tac-toe game on...... ok the oldest game i have is probably myst. I think.
Glo-Boy said:
I have space quest with roger wilco 1-5 in my house somewhere. Also, I have the original Spelunx and the Caves of Mr. Seudo, along with Marathon 1. I played those on a mac i got 14 years ago. Oh, but i played roger wilco on a pc.

Holy mother of God. I've give a kidney to have Space Quest 5, which is my personal favorite in the series.
Mechwarrior 2.

Does anybody know how to make Mechwarrior 2 work with windows XP? :angel:
i JUST tried that today. no site has some info on it, and i sure as hell cant figure it out. works fine in linux :\. whatever.
slicktick said:
I have the original loderunner, thats pretty old
Loved that game. There's quite a few versions out there but the one I played on was for a IBM-PC and looked like this. A few others that stick out in my mind would be marble madness, Commander Keen, King's Quest, Dangerous Dave, Falcon 3.0, Wolf3D, Duke Nukem.
I also had (have) a pair of these really old beige/square IBM joysticks. 2 big black bottons on them with small black dials to help calabrate it. Very short stick.
My loderunner was just black and white, and it was on an old Mac. I also used to play wolfenstein3d, that game was awesome in its time.
The only thing I remember doing on a Mac was Logo computer programing with that Turtle. lol
I found the book for Silver Mountain the other day.

I doubt anyone in here will recognise it, but back in the days when the ZX Spectrum+2 was released, this book was released called Silver Mountain - it was a book full of code that you had to type into BASIC and then after you'd typed it up (about 50 pages of code) you could run it and play the game.

Glad things have moved on since then, sure as hell wouldnt like to type out the half-life 2 code before being able to play it - although if we were given the code on the 30th sept last year we'd probably all have typed it up and be happily playing the game by now.

Pobz said:
I found the book for Silver Mountain the other day.

I doubt anyone in here will recognise it, but back in the days when the ZX Spectrum+2 was released, this book was released called Silver Mountain - it was a book full of code that you had to type into BASIC and then after you'd typed it up (about 50 pages of code) you could run it and play the game.

Glad things have moved on since then, sure as hell wouldnt like to type out the half-life 2 code before being able to play it - although if we were given the code on the 30th sept last year we'd probably all have typed it up and be happily playing the game by now.


Wow...I think you win.
I have a copy of liero on floppy somewhere, its still the greatest 2d action game ever imo.
My oldest overall game is Sumer Mario Bros 3. My oldest PC game is probibly Need For Speed 2.
My oldest game was probably shufflepuck, for an extremely old b&w Mac.

Since that thing's long gone, I'd say Mortyr now. :P
Probably donkey kong on my Philips p2000T where the ladders are actually the letter 'H' hehe
Tetra Quest... one of the oldest games for the Amiga...

Actually, I may have some Spectrum software somewhere...
hummmm i think the origanal C&C such a good game :)
I think Wolfenstein 3D, Doom and Lemmings are the oldest games I have. I used to get a bit annoyed that the old Amstrad 486DX that I was playing them on had no soundcard.. <cringes at the memory of the BIOS bleeps for gunshots>
Im pretty oldschool, I have about 100+ titles out in storage for my Commodore 64.

games like Cobra, Hawkeye, Head over heels, Ghouls n' Ghosts, enigma force (which was one of my fave games, the theme song rocked, and I still remember it by heart)

geez I had so many games, when I think about how much fun they were, makes me want to play em again.
everything from bomb jack, green beret, jet set willy to Wizball, beachhead, Rastan, Arkanoid and Arkanoid revenge of DOH :D


hell yeah! just found this... close but not AS cool (its not exact)

AHAAH ROFL: http://www.tegperu.org/download/MayBeBop - 06 - Enigma Force.mp3
Raptor which was released by apogee (don't know the copyright date)
Raptor which was released by apogee (don't know the copyright date)
that game was fun and had some great music

but the pinnacle of apogee games was ROTT!
Rise of The Triad :D
man that game ruled, it should have seen a sequel or remake :)
Yeah, I liked Rise of the Triad as well. I think it was one of the strangest FPSs ever made.
I remember Rise of the Triad...that had some cool weapons...and one other detail I remember now. Wouldn't baddies beg for their lives when you had them almost dead sometimes? They'd say, don't shoot me.. I have a wife and kids or something.. Then I'd blast them away and their eye might splatter onto the screen.

I'd say an old school DuckTales game I had for my computer, that or a Mega Man game for my computer. Both came on the floppy floppies. Remember those old games where you'd have to enter a certain word from the manual just to play? There was another game that I had on a floppy, but I can't remember the name. You were in some mech thingy and if you pressed the down arrow key you'd turn into a jet. It was a side-scroller and it scared the crap outta me sometimes. There was creepy music and dead people and stuff...it gave me the jibblies back when I was really young.
Brian Damage said:
Maybe someone will make a Rise of the Triad mod?
hell if someone got a team together I would pull out my old modeling/skinning/unwrapping skills for it.
