Whats the worst forums u've ever been to?

Ugh, the Steam forums are just as bad as Steam itself.
Gaia Online...

I was forced ok?!?
EDIT:Yea the Steam forums are pretty bad too.
i havent been on many forums, so i'd say the steam forums too. They're pretty hectic :)

A forum where geeks gather to talk about their first sexual experience in as much detail as possible as well as verbally abusing and destroying people for their choice of music/graphics card/processor chip/etc. The chatroom is even worse, full of people who describe their fantasies about underage girls, and those are the mods.
gamegossip.com. A long time ago.

It's pretty much impossible to find a popular forum that isn't packed with idiots or pretentious wankers, but that was the only place I've seen that managed to cram in several genuinely creepy weirdos as well.

They may actually still be there. *shudders*
Maybe not so much as a forum but the Imdb message boards takes the price. It would be an ideal place to discuss movies in a serious MATURE way but you rarely see that happening. My God...some of the people there...:x Well, I guess it's partly due to lack of administrators on the boards.
yeah the imdb messageboards need to be like this forum.
imo this forum is the best ive ever been to.
Dax said:
Maybe not so much as a forum but the Imdb message boards takes the price. It would be an ideal place to discuss movies in a serious MATURE way but you rarely see that happening. My God...some of the people there...:x Well, I guess it's partly due to lack of administrators on the boards.

My favourite character over there is the 'I'm honestly a professional screenwriter, so anybody arguing with me is instantly wrong. PS, really.' guy.
Oh, you also have the old Dotmusic forums, before Yahoo took over and dumped the crap, picture a forum with 0 moderators or admins and packed full of 12 year olds...
I find the IMDB boards a useful place to find information about movies. Usually flame posts are usually deleted before I see them. I just hate posts such as, "I hate this movie!!" with no reasons on back-up their opinion.

Also HalfLife2.net boards are pretty bad.:p

Those mods. *Points*;)
halflife2.net ;)

I'd have to say the worst forums I went to were the EA forums for Command and Conquer games, especially the generals one.

Used to get loads of flamers there, but most of them are shut now (I think the have a lite-version of the forums for Generals still).

And I hate forums where people just talk about crap...like "LOL I just got Crazy Frog ringtone"
"OMG that's so cool"
neptuneuk said:
wtf? its full of trippin' 'fo shizzle' people.

"yo pimps, fo shizzle more to-dizzle? dan bob wid yoor gyurl-nizzle?"

what??? arrghh

With my online name I could become no less than a GOD over there WUhahahahaha :laugh:!

But I'd say the best forums I've been to were probably either here or at http://duckandcover.cx/. I'm split between the two. Duckandcover definitely has a history though. It used to be the planetfallout website for Gamespy then some arguments happened and gamespy reps were called unsavory things and the crew at planetfallout split and formed Duck and Cover which went through several phases. First there was doubt of financial backing for a new Fallout, then there was the horrible console game, then Fallout 3 being made at Black Isle, then Black Isle closing and Fallout fans threatening to hang people and hit at them with machetes or something (Fallout fanboys are harsh) then just recently Bethesda picked up the license and Fallout fans threatened to hang them and hit at them with machetes if the game wasn't TBS on an isometric plane.

The worst was probably some planetsomething one.
The official D-Day forums at Planetquake.com (it's a Quake2 WWII mod). They're gone now though.
Halflife Source forums.

Full of millions of 9 year olds, who are EXTREME Halo 2 fanboys, and have sigs that literally take up half of your screen.

You CAN NOT win against them. They are too stupid to comprehend anything you say. And even when you THINK you have found a sane member, you will eventually find out that he too, is a moron.
gamespot forums

like vegeta said,but that is worst, specially the sistem wars boards,I even make my sig there that say "discuss in system wars boards,is like show a porno magazine to a blind person: it dont hav sense"
The Novaworld forums. My god some people are horrible over there.

The Paradox Entertainment forums are probably the best I know. No flaming, no l337 sub-groups, no real fanboyism and often even educative.
Ritz said:
These forums, they just..suck so bad.

Your just pissed off as every female on this forum is a mod but you HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA
Razor said:
Your just pissed off as every female on this forum is a mod but you HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA
What about Ikerous?
vegeta897 said:
What about Ikerous?


Worst forums..eh?


Well, out of the HL ones...

Definately...HL:S and HL: Fallout.

Fallout has gone way down...turned into a sinkhole full of 12 year olds who have nothing to do but argue about how HL2 sucks. It's like everyone who has been banned here goes over there. Of course, there are a few good apples in it.

This thread just begs for flames.

Half-Life2.net forums.

I dunno, feels like real life with all of these people around ... and I dont like reality. :D
I was doing some research on how to become a music journalist and there was this thread on some God-awful forum which was part of a women's e-zine. Every single one of the people who posted on it were thick as pig sh*t and about as charming. They were complete airheads who couldn't string together a coherent sentence, let alone write an interesting article.
The e-zine itself was horrendous stuff. It was complete submissive-pansy-female bollocks. I don't really subscribe entirely to the ideals of feminism but for f*ck's sake, these women are desperately in need a brain and a backbone.
Sadly I don't remember where this was, although I've been searching again, so...
Garry mod forums spell anything wrong even by accident and *POW* ban.
mr.shepard said:
Garry mod forums spell anything wrong even by accident and *POW* ban.

Oh, if only that was true here.
Razor said:
Your just pissed off as every female on this forum is a mod but you HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA

Not really, If I was a mod I'd ban every one of you bastards, the forum would be 3 remembers, me burnzie and badhat, there interesting.

Im..a bitch :( Someone hug me.