What's this Zen saying mean?


Sep 18, 2005
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"No matter how much I contemplate this tea bow it is still a tea bowl thus I arrive in San Franscisco." - Soen Nakagawa

Usually I understand these things straight away but what the hell's "No matter how much I contemplate this tea bow it is still a tea bowl thus I arrive in San Franscisco." supposed to mean?
It means *inaudible whisper*

don't tell nobody
theSteven said:
"No matter how much I contemplate this tea bow it is still a tea bowl thus I arrive in San Franscisco." - Soen Nakagawa

Usually I understand these things straight away but what the hell's "No matter how much I contemplate this tea bow it is still a tea bowl thus I arrive in San Franscisco." supposed to mean?

It was sort of making sense, right up until I hit the San Fransisco part. Perhaps that people often overthink things and miss the obvious, such as that it is nothing more than a bowl? Don't see how SF fits into that though.
It means he spent so much time figuring out that a tea bowl is only and exclusively a tea bowl, that his boat arrived in san francisco. It's to teach the lesson that some things do not require the thought given them, and are simply what they appear to be. It is up to you to decide which is infinitely important and which is simply a teabowl.

I just sorta made that up off the top of my hed, but it sounds right, so... yeah.
No matter how much I think about it, gay people are still gay?
It's saying, that no matter how hard you try and read between the lines, nothings there. It doesn't represent anything, its just a bowl. San Fransico doesn't represent anything either, it's just a dull city, no culture not art just a metropolocis.
San Francisco = no culture? o_O

I think he is taking the piss.
It means that no one likes you.

Did she use the Internet like he so claims?

I also agree with Yuri's sentiments.

-Angry Lawyer
I think it may actually mean to explore new things and not just have your whole life revolve around one thing.

You could be a die hard tea bowl enthusiast, but a tea bowl is just a tea bowl, so go out and find new things. He's realised this so he goes to find something else; San Francsico.
bvasgm said:
It means *inaudible whisper*

don't tell nobody

don't tell nobody means to tell everyone in the world

Negative x Negative = Positive
Solaris said:
I'll have you know Stalins mother was a saint.
That's Lenin, you Capitalist pig-dog!
You're first up against the wall when the Revolution comes. Mark my words.
When the inevitable comes, and you see the hordes of the Imperial Armies Elite marching on your streets waving the black flag, as the sucession of Operation Dark Storm, anybody who says lenin, stalin, and good in a single sentence will be SHOT! With tanks!
What about "Lenin and Stalin were not good?"
Well, you still get shot. Because you said lenin.
15357 said:
anybody who says lenin, stalin, and good in a single sentence will be SHOT! With tanks!

Tanks that shoot bullets or guns that shoot tanks?
Originally Posted by Angry Lawyer
A double negative is a positive.

-Angry Lawyer

Two wrongs dont make a right, bitch!

well if you take the two negatives; like so:


... and arange them perpendicular like so


Two negatives can make a positive!

But ... if two wrongs don't make a right.. then two rights don't make a wrong? ... *brain explodes*

(see avatar for crude visual representation)
15357 said:
Well, you still get shot. Because you said lenin.
And how would you do this?

"Hey he said Lenin shoot...oh sh*t"
Bang. Slump. Bang. Slump.
Solaris said:
And how would you do this?

"Hey he said Lenin shoot...oh sh*t"
Bang. Slump. Bang. Slump.
He makes a good point.
jondy said:
Tanks that shoot bullets or guns that shoot tanks?
Guns that shoot tanks that shoot airplanes that drop H-bombs that are filled with midgets that are armed with heavy caliber machineguns.
That fire Shens.
If two wrongs make a right, and three rights make a left... do six wrongs make a left?
Erestheux said:
If two wrongs make a right, and three rights make a left... do six wrongs make a left?

Tanks that shoot bullets or guns that shoot tanks?

Tanks that shoot 110mm non-explosive rounds.

Solaris said:
And how would you do this?

"Hey he said Lenin shoot...oh sh*t"
Bang. Slump. Bang. Slump.

exactly. :p