Whats up with goty?



hey i was wondering, wahts the differnce between half life 2 and half life 2 goty edition when it still comes with source and half life 2 deathmatch? nothing different other the box?... kind of stupid paying an extra 10 bucks for it.
Yea not much different, but when it says GOTY edition, someone who might not of noticed HL2 before, though hard as it is to believe, might take a look at it now. O and it says EA on the seal of the game, so they get some money too :)
Half-Life got a Game of the Year edition back in the day. It's basically a big "HEY! PEOPLE LIKED OUR GAME SO WHY NOT TRY IT OUT!" sign. Plus, as mentioned before, EA got the distribution rights to HL2 so they had to put out their own package; might as well slap GotY on it.