What's up with the moon?

Jul 17, 2003
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It's a full moon tonight but it just peaked over the mountains so I can see it now. It's really yellow as usual.. but something's hazy and just overall odd about it for some reason.. anyone know what's up?
a thread was made about this earlier but who knows what might've happened since.

(i'm too lazy to go out and look at it :()

edit: i just came out, and the moon is really white and bright.
RakuraiTenjin said:
It's a full moon tonight but it just peaked over the mountains so I can see it now. It's really yellow as usual.. but something's hazy and just overall odd about it for some reason.. anyone know what's up?

I've seen a yellow moon, it was about 4 years ago.

Neat stuff.
Aliens have stolen our moon and are now fooling us with a shifty hologram.
It could possibly be a lunar or solar eclipse..

Although, it is a bright white and full moon over here with like a yellowish glow off of it.
I heard something was up with it but I was just too damn lazy to rotate 90 degrees and check it out.
Mine was bright bright red when coming over the water, but now its hazy and yellow.
Funky thtuff 0_o
RakuraiTenjin said:
It's a full moon tonight but it just peaked over the mountains so I can see it now. It's really yellow as usual.. but something's hazy and just overall odd about it for some reason.. anyone know what's up?

I thought i was going nuts last night.. i saw it too, there was something very strange about it, it was almost like it was still day time over here at 2330hrs, the roads were very well lit. I've never seen the moon do such a good job as that before.
It's normal here..but then again, a nice storm is moving in :D
UFO, no two ways about it. Anything unexplainable is a UFO. If I throw a hubcap in the air, and you don't know what it is, UFO. If a jet makes a turn in the air at night, UFO. If the moon isn't normal, UFO.
Adabiviak said:
UFO, no two ways about it. Anything unexplainable is a UFO. If I throw a hubcap in the air, and you don't know what it is, UFO. If a jet makes a turn in the air at night, UFO. If the moon isn't normal, UFO.
UOO, it's not flying in the atmosphere, it is orbitting the earth.
RakuraiTenjin said:
UOO, it's not flying in the atmosphere, it is orbitting the earth.

well.. it might not actually be "in" orbit.. I propose UNEBFOAO or Unidentified Non Earth-Based / Far-Outer-Atmosphere Object!
I propose UVA

Unidentified visual artifact.

'cuz you don't know whether it actually exists, it may be a government mind control conspiracy ;)
But it's still identified, as the moon...so it's just a phenomenon of the lunar cycle....
JellyWorld said:

Prove to me that you're real first, and not just a figment of my imagination...cause I don't have to prove anything to figments of my imagination....
Theres something wrong with the skybox, validate your steam files.
RakuraiTenjin said:
It's a full moon tonight but it just peaked over the mountains so I can see it now. It's really yellow as usual.. but something's hazy and just overall odd about it for some reason.. anyone know what's up?
By God, a yellow moon! This can only mean one thing...

(Related question, can I do
JellyWorld said:
I propose UVA

Unidentified visual artifact.

'cuz you don't know whether it actually exists, it may be a government mind control conspiracy ;)

They blew up the moon, and they are covering up, which might explain why there are car sized craters littered all over the place, and why I have this massive bruise on my fore-head :hmph:
They blew up the moon, and they are covering up, which might explain why there are car sized craters littered all over the place, and why I have this massive bruise on my fore-head :hmph:
That was last night dear, I thought you fell off that ceiling fan kind of hard. Oh well, great romp anyway :thumbs:
Kamikazie said:
hmmm..thats a good professional opinion..excuse me "skills"

and i know (hope) you were kidding

Yes, that was sarcasm.:burp: