Whats with fans?


Space Core
Aug 25, 2004
Reaction score
something is afoot here.

us fans are being un-fan-like.

Doom3 fans, hate other fans that disagree with them, but they love doom3 and ID

Halo 2 fans, hate other fans that disagree with them, they probably love their development team too.

Unreal fans, hate other fans that disagree with them, they love the unreal team to bits aswell.

HL2 fans, hate all the other fans (who always disagree with them), hate valve and moan about release dates.

arent we supposed to love valve and send them presents and hug them?
its cause most HL2 fans are noob's :P, especially those CS nut jobs who think their totally l33t N Wik3d.
Those "hl2 fans" you speak of aren't fans, just asshats that like to piss us real fans off.
clarky003 said:
its cause most HL2 fans are noob's :P, especially those CS nut jobs who think their totally l33t N Wik3d.
the only people who say "omfgZ0rs! you Iz SUcH a NuB for SucCumbinG tOo My 1337aGe!"

what the f*** gives with nub? can they not spell/pronounce correctly?


NOT nub...

stupid nubs....
Dalamari said:
Those "hl2 fans" you speak of aren't fans, just asshats that like to piss us real fans off.

but.. *sniff* its just SO HARD to avoid them!
they 'claim' to be fans.. but then they go all flamey and.. *sniffles - cries on shoulder*
Real fans :x
Its all rubbish really. Just play the game, enjoy it and most importantly, be quiet ;)

Having people going around saying they are real fans or whatever is just as bad as out in the real world where you get all these different groups going on about real punks, or real fans of a band or even trendy people...Whatever really. Its all a load of sandra bullock's ;)
neptuneuk said:
the only people who say "omfgZ0rs! you Iz SUcH a NuB for SucCumbinG tOo My 1337aGe!"

what the f*** gives with nub? can they not spell/pronounce correctly?


NOT nub...

stupid nubs....

lol, i think all that screen radiation while palying CS zaps their brain cells and turns them into Mindless Agressive Retard's, (MAR)

alot like republican's I guess :O

no offence their Georgie old pal.
neptuneuk said:
the only people who say "omfgZ0rs! you Iz SUcH a NuB for SucCumbinG tOo My 1337aGe!"

what the f*** gives with nub? can they not spell/pronounce correctly?


NOT nub...

stupid nubs....

oMFGZ0rz ILL $AY w0t3v3R t3H 4uC I w4nT nd U caNt $ToP M3 Fr0m S4y1n nUb, j00 NUB!!1111
How long does it take you to write that anyway? Can you touch type it? Im curious...I mean...it just seems odd when people speak like that all the time.
Took me ages, I had to go back and correct my spelling and grammatical errors also. For instance I used a 4 instead of a 3, a true sign of "R0FLMAO nUb!!11"'ness
Hmmm, nubs, those are the things on the ends of... oh wait, nm, those are something else. Hmm...

Oh, and I want to hug Gabe. WATCH OUT GABE! ;)
mortiz said:
oMFGZ0rz ILL $AY w0t3v3R t3H 4uC I w4nT nd U caNt $ToP M3 Fr0m S4y1n nUb, j00 NUB!!1111

OmFG! WtF nUB!?! I w1Ll PwNZ0r J0o wIT mY 1337 SKiLlz! Lol!!!!1111oneone
lol :E you could have a full blown political discussion in counterstrike using only qoutes from that generator!