What's with the fps counter?


Companion Cube
Feb 22, 2004
Reaction score
I don't get it. The fps counter that appears on the screen after typing renderer.drawFps in the console should show two values - the current fps and the average fps. Then why in the world do I get something like about 41/18 all the time? How can my average fps be about 20, when my current fps is all the time about 40? It definitely doesn't feel like 18 fps anyway.
Yeh id be interested to know- i know someone with a 7800GTX who gets 70/20.
ray_MAN said:
Seems like mine is always 3...

3? You mean the first or second value? Cause it's like "x/y"; x- current, y - average.
No, just 3... I don't know how to put the FPS, and I don't really want to. Some maps are a slide show when I start them out. :(