What's with this retarded CS attitude?


Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
Lately, I've been noticing a lot of tough-guy vibes coming from the whole Counter-Strike scene. It's not that it's intimidating, it's actually quite the opposite. It's stupid.

1.) Pointing and clicking does not make you a good shot. Numerous times I hear people talk about how good of a shooter they are, and how much Counter-Strike has attributed to this, and their paintball skill. There is no one on earth who both claims this, and would actually run out and shoot someone if they were in a Counter-Strike-type situation. (But that won't ever happen. That only happens to awesome people.) It certainly does not help with paintball skills.

2.) You aren't brave for playing Counter-Strike. Ever hear someone mention the phrase "...battle-hardened CS player..." or "He's a Counter-Strike veteran!" No, he's not either of these things. He's a dipshit because he thinks he is one of these, and he is weak in both mind and body.

3.) Your spray doesn't belong on top of mine. Does it make you feel better to put your crudely drawn MSpaint anime spray on top of mine, while mine is CLEARLY better? (Usually a picture of Eric Bana smoking a joint, or Michael Bolton kicking some ass.)

4.) Guess what? We DON'T want to look at vaginas while we're playing Counter-Strike. Porn sprays do not make you look more straight, or more like you're a real ass-getter. It makes you look very nerdy, and VERY lonely. **** you.

5.) Stop getting in fights in the voice chat. If you're pissed at someone, point, click, and "kill them." Chances are, they're a total nerd for getting so riled up in the first place. Stop spamming the voice chat. Useless dickheads.

That said, I still love Counter-Strike. :E
its a love hate relationship i just cant wait untill someone figures out how to block all typing chat and voice chat at the same time
hmm, i dont theres a MP-game in the universe who dont have all those idiots playing :(
I actually need the chat logger to write something about this and give everybody a good laugh.
Glo-Boy said:
Lately, I've been noticing a lot of tough-guy vibes coming from the whole Counter-Strike scene. It's not that it's intimidating, it's actually quite the opposite. It's stupid.

1.) Pointing and clicking does not make you a good shot. Numerous times I hear people talk about how good of a shooter they are, and how much Counter-Strike has attributed to this, and their paintball skill. There is no one on earth who both claims this, and would actually run out and shoot someone if they were in a Counter-Strike-type situation. (But that won't ever happen. That only happens to awesome people.) It certainly does not help with paintball skills.

2.) You aren't brave for playing Counter-Strike. Ever hear someone mention the phrase "...battle-hardened CS player..." or "He's a Counter-Strike veteran!" No, he's not either of these things. He's a dipshit because he thinks he is one of these, and he is weak in both mind and body.

3.) Your spray doesn't belong on top of mine. Does it make you feel better to put your crudely drawn MSpaint anime spray on top of mine, while mine is CLEARLY better? (Usually a picture of Eric Bana smoking a joint, or Michael Bolton kicking some ass.)

4.) Guess what? We DON'T want to look at vaginas while we're playing Counter-Strike. Porn sprays do not make you look more straight, or more like you're a real ass-getter. It makes you look very nerdy, and VERY lonely. **** you.

5.) Stop getting in fights in the voice chat. If you're pissed at someone, point, click, and "kill them." Chances are, they're a total nerd for getting so riled up in the first place. Stop spamming the voice chat. Useless dickheads.

That said, I still love Counter-Strike. :E

Well said.

I really get ticked off on the spray part. I think I can safely say that half the people who play counter-strike have a porn spray.

It's annoying when ppl spray over my spray cuz mine is a VTF, so i can't spray over it, too.
Counterstrike is famous for having retards as players. Just play.
Glo-Boy said:
Lately, I've been noticing a lot of tough-guy vibes coming from the whole Counter-Strike scene. It's not that it's intimidating, it's actually quite the opposite. It's stupid.

1.) Pointing and clicking does not make you a good shot. Numerous times I hear people talk about how good of a shooter they are, and how much Counter-Strike has attributed to this, and their paintball skill. There is no one on earth who both claims this, and would actually run out and shoot someone if they were in a Counter-Strike-type situation. (But that won't ever happen. That only happens to awesome people.) It certainly does not help with paintball skills.

2.) You aren't brave for playing Counter-Strike. Ever hear someone mention the phrase "...battle-hardened CS player..." or "He's a Counter-Strike veteran!" No, he's not either of these things. He's a dipshit because he thinks he is one of these, and he is weak in both mind and body.

3.) Your spray doesn't belong on top of mine. Does it make you feel better to put your crudely drawn MSpaint anime spray on top of mine, while mine is CLEARLY better? (Usually a picture of Eric Bana smoking a joint, or Michael Bolton kicking some ass.)

4.) Guess what? We DON'T want to look at vaginas while we're playing Counter-Strike. Porn sprays do not make you look more straight, or more like you're a real ass-getter. It makes you look very nerdy, and VERY lonely. **** you.

5.) Stop getting in fights in the voice chat. If you're pissed at someone, point, click, and "kill them." Chances are, they're a total nerd for getting so riled up in the first place. Stop spamming the voice chat. Useless dickheads.

That said, I still love Counter-Strike. :E

1) well cs does improve your reflexes and hand-eye cooridantion. And if you play in a clan you strategie.

2)they don't say battle hardend or veteran because they think they are brave, they say it to show that they have played cs a lot, and are good. Veterans insetad of noobies.

3)I have no idea why they would to that, unless you spray *******, thne I would spray over yours aswell.

4)But maybe they like looking at vaginas while playing, that way the combine gamein and sex, which makes cs even better. + they can use it as a distraction.

5)They are just idiots, just mute them
Me, I hate the people who think by playing counterstrike it somehow gives them a weapons degree.
check out the somethingawful review of CS.

pretty much sums things up.
1) well cs does improve your reflexes and hand-eye cooridantion. And if you play in a clan you strategie.
That's a theory made up by overprotective mothers. Also, because you claim that this is true, I use that as evidence that you have never fired a real weapon in your life. It's okay if you haven't, but if you had, you would know that shooting a weapon is a hundred million years from pointing and clicking. There is absolutely no correlation between the two.

2)they don't say battle hardend or veteran because they think they are brave, they say it to show that they have played cs a lot, and are good. Veterans insetad of noobies.
I know. It's a stupid phrase, and they use it to solicit their Counter-Strike bravery. What they don't realize is how retarded it is to say BATTLE HARDENED when they are playing a video game after school where they point and click, point and click, point and click. NOT battle. NO real strategy at all. Sure, clans try to strategize, but it never works.

3)I have no idea why they would to that, unless you spray *******, thne I would spray over yours aswell.
I don't know what ******** is. I already explained earlier, I have great sprays. They usually have no text, and consist of a photoshopped picture. They are entertaining, and non-obtrusive. I usually get sprayed over by someone who has a spray that depicts a cartoon monkey with a banana or something, saying OWNED!

4)But maybe they like looking at vaginas while playing, that way the combine gamein and sex, which makes cs even better. + they can use it as a distraction.
Maybe they do... and that is DISGUSTING. I dunno about you, but I don't enjoy having a boner while trying to shoot people. If you have counter-strike, it means you have the internet. If you have the internet, it means you can watch free porn ANYTIME YOU WANT. Don't spray the wall with some picture of a nasty girl's beef curtains. It doesn't distract me, it pisses me off. I want counter-strike to be about killing, not about some other guy's favorite jerk-off picture. I suppose since you're supporting porn sprays and CS, you enjoy violent hentai, huh?

5)They are just idiots, just mute them
I do, but I still hate them.
We need a mute feature for text. Then I could truly be happy with CSS.

PS: When people give me attitude I react just the way they don't expect me to. Really makes them angry and me satisified. :)
Grey Fox said:
1) well cs does improve your reflexes and hand-eye cooridantion. And if you play in a clan you strategie.

Strategy? Like learning to let your teamates die first so you can use them as bait? If you think CS strategy is anywhere close to real life, you're disilusionned.

Plus, hand-eye coordination is usually not very important in real life, as people either take time to aim, or shoot like madmen (otherwise knows as supression), they don't try to aim fast and shoot in the head.
If you think vaginas are bad you've obviously never seen Pikachu porn sprays.
well i agree with most points, and there ARE a lot of retards playing CS. but i think that the comment that CS clans dont strategize is VERY generalizing. Yes there are a lot of online play only 'noob' clans. But there are also serious teams who play with strategy first and foremost (i would know, as ive been in several such clans). These tactics do NOT extend simply to allowing otheres to decoy, they can be very complex and take practice to execute correctly. Im not saying their real life strategies, but they still take a lot of training and hard work to master, and saying that CS clans dont use strategy or that it never works is BS.
JellyWorld said:
If you think vaginas are bad you've obviously never seen Pikachu porn sprays.

Wats wrong with pikachu porn? :bounce: :cat: :bounce:
TheSomeone said:
Strategy? Like learning to let your teamates die first so you can use them as bait? If you think CS strategy is anywhere close to real life, you're disilusionned.

Plus, hand-eye coordination is usually not very important in real life, as people either take time to aim, or shoot like madmen (otherwise knows as supression), they don't try to aim fast and shoot in the head.
well why, i can understand if it is about real life, where you die when shot, but with paintball it could quite very well be.
Glo-Boy said:
I already explained earlier, I have great sprays. They usually have no text, and consist of a photoshopped picture. They are entertaining, and non-obtrusive. I usually get sprayed over by someone who has a spray that depicts a cartoon monkey with a banana or something, saying OWNED!
Why do you get pissed off with people spraying over your spray? CS is not who can cover the most walls with you spray. If that gets you annoyed you are obviosuly very nerdy (as you have said about pretty much everything else), and its just your opinion that you hve great sprays, who's to say that a monkey with a banana isnt better then your non-obtrusive photoshoper picture?
Well, when you only spray it like twice per game, and each time it gets covered... it's the attitude of the other player that makes me roll my eyes.

Real nerdy.

P.S. I suppose I should say that I never vocalize my displeasure with this action. If someone sprays over my spray, I just continue with the game. It's not like something that disturbs me to the core, however, it does bother me that in general, a good portion of people who play CS think that somehow their spray which looks EXACTLY the same as everyone elses should be put on top of mine, which I think are all pretty unique.
Well you know a picture of Eric Bana smoking a joint, or Michael Bolton kicking some ass, sounds to me like something scary, maybe they spray over it just because it intimidates them to much.
I suppose thats a possibility....or they may be the sort of people that are looking for an argument... ya know the type ;)
Too many times have I seen goatse and tub-girl due to CS players...
Tub Girl has scarred me for the rest of my life......what kind of sick person wanted to do that let alone take an image of it and post it all over the net.
I've seen a hand-scetched version of Goatse. The original picture is already horrid and why would someone want to sit down, stare at it, and re-create it on paper? ...It's beyond me.
I have never seen or heard of this "Goatse" i don't think id want to either.
Well, thankfully the site is closed but "Goatse" is a picture of a...
*stops in sake of the children*
I can sum up whats wrong with counterstrike in two points:

1. The retards.
2. I think I've covered everything.

Porn sprays are annoying, I dont want to be forced to look at porn. I doubt many other people do either. When I criticized one guy about his tub girl spray (pointless I know), I just recieved a load of profranity. Oh well, doesnt bother me :)

I can understand people being proud of their CS skills, and I understand people calling themselves 'veterans'. I don't think CS would be much use in real-life situations, unless it somehow 'desensitises' you. Anyways, the chances of me even holding a gun in my lifetime a pretty low here in merry old England. :cheese:
Q_onfused said:
I've seen a hand-scetched version of Goatse. The original picture is already horrid and why would someone want to sit down, stare at it, and re-create it on paper? ...It's beyond me.
Well said.