What's wrong with "Hollow"?


Oct 25, 2004
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... Yeah ...

I use it whenever I make a building in my map. Quicker, easier, and assures no leaks... It seems like all of you "Elite" mappers frown upon it. Why?
We prefer to build things from scratch.
Its just better to do stuff my scratch. I herd it isn't best for perforance too or something.
try to create a complex room using hollow, then add several entrances/exits. its nasty.

hollow should be banned, when I first started mapping I tried to use it, and it resulted in a lot of headaches, when I realised I could just create all brushes from scratch mapping became much easier.

shift + s / shift + v = best keystrokes ever
notings wrong with it, if u want more control over ur maps, then you would simply make it from scratch. carve however is a bane.
Hollow isn't necessarily a bad thing, it just means more trouble later on if you want to go back and change something(Like....anything:p)...Not loads more bother really.
Just ungroup it

Once you hollow it, just ungroup it...i dont see the difference...you can delete any side you dont want
Wheel-Knee said:
Once you hollow it, just ungroup it...i dont see the difference...you can delete any side you dont want

Its not just that...there are doors and such. You can just carve them, but as previously said, its easier in the long run if you build it from scratch.

With hollow and carve, its almost like the builder feels a need to stick to a set of arbitrary rules which just cause a fuss.
Yeah, the easyness of hollowing tends to cach up with itself in the end, when you need to change anything.

It's not nearly as bad when you ungroup and sepretly texture everything.
A big reason is hollow brushes tend to fall off the grid more easily,,,,

basically when it comes to brushwork,, you want complete control, plus I can chop up a cube with the clip brush into a hollow cube about as fast as I can use the hoolow cube tool itself,,

shift-x baby :D