Whats wrong with the world?

Dr. Freeman

Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
sad...sad..very sad.
whats worse? hes on the loose and with nothing to lose.

ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- A defendant grabbed the pistol of a deputy on the way to a courtroom, injured the female deputy and went into the room where he fatally shot a Fulton County Superior Court judge and a court reporter Friday morning at a downtown courthouse, Atlanta police said.


a few days ago, 4 Canadian RCMP's (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) were shot and killed... sheesh :(
well the police officers need to be more observant and alert, but other then that, thats terrible
"Whats wrong with the world mama, people living like they got no mamas."
Sorry, Black Eyed Peas.
I hate criminals, I am friends with the older son of the CHP officer Steiner, He was shot a year ago in front of a courtroom. I just recently saw that he (the criminal) was in court and It is very hard for me and my friend to watch the news now. I am pissed!
^^ yeh caz they are low life scum bags that probably had a bad life growing up so having a place to sleep with meals everyday sounds good to them...its sad but also infuriating
Unless the officer had his gun out, that never should have happened. Police officers' holsters have a hold-down clip on them, so you can't just pull it out immediately. Officer wasn't being careful enough.

That said, that's horrible. Something similar happened here a few months ago. An officer was working extra duty outside Wal-Mart. Some guy ran out with a bunch of stolen stuff, and she confronted him. He was a big guy, and started to come after her, so she drew her gun. He took one in the shoulder, pushed her to the ground, then took her gun and shot her in the head as she was trying to get back up. She was something like 50 years old and she was going to retire in 2 weeks. Horrible. If we paid our police officers enough here in Louisiana, she wouldn't have had to be working extra duty there in the first place.