Whats your fav top 5 pringles!


Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
Me well:

1: Westen BBQ
2: Smokin Bacon
3: Sour Cream & Onion
4: Cheezums
5: Salt and Vinegar
Good God Pringles are awful. I kinda doubt they're actually made of potatoes. Seem more like flavored paper to me.
pringels are bad mmkay? and as darkstar said, doubt they are made of potatoes .
Well i have only tried 3 kinds...

1. Sourcream and onion
2. Original
3. Vinager
Pizza, BBQ, and Original are all good. :)

That vinager shit if so ****ing nasty...
Salt n' Vinegar...

I don't really give a crap about the others.
That piss & vinegar is awful....

Nah, just give me normal ones or hot and spicy.
Kangy said:
Salt n' Vinegar...

I don't really give a crap about the others.

Darn right! Those are by far the best chips ever made!
Sour Cream 'n' Onion

All good. :afro:
The first 3 from the top, and 2 from the middle.

Those are my fav. pringles.

How can you like 5?! :eek: Aren't there like, 5 flavors?
One thing I don't like about Pringles... their shape... the commercials for them say how good it is... but it's really crap! It's only good for those tubes... that's a bigass chip to be shovin' in your mouth, ya know? And if you do that, you're likely to end up getting bits everywhere as they fly out from your mouth because you're a pig and shoved it all in but forgot to shut your mouth and keep it to your damn self. But then if you take more than one bite, it just flalls apart anyway, and you're left looking like a nutter as your try to keep all the pieces from falling everywhere! AHHHHHHH!
Letters said:
First ingredient: dried potatoes. Try again.

Well you could have fooled me. Anyone ever had Kettle Chips? Now those are some good potatoe chips.
pizza, and sour cream. the rest are involuntarily induce my gag reflex, which makes me uncomfortable.
Letters said:
One thing I don't like about Pringles... their shape... the commercials for them say how good it is... but it's really crap! It's only good for those tubes... that's a bigass chip to be shovin' in your mouth, ya know? And if you do that, you're likely to end up getting bits everywhere as they fly out from your mouth because you're a pig and shoved it all in but forgot to shut your mouth and keep it to your damn self. But then if you take more than one bite, it just flalls apart anyway, and you're left looking like a nutter as your try to keep all the pieces from falling everywhere! AHHHHHHH!

/me laugh.. hard :E
PvtRyan said:
That piss & vinegar is awful....

Nah, just give me normal ones or hot and spicy.

I think the bad taste is all in the name....Urinating on your food generally doesn't help with the flavour. :D

I used to like pringles, but now I just can't eat them. I'm not sure what it is exactly, but I believe it may because I had too many one time or something to that effect. The actually crisp (not the flavouring) is also a little odd to.
Originals are the best. They always try to make some "new keen flavours" but they simply bannot match the original one... mmm...
my favorite pringle ever was one with animal facts on it, it said something like "how does an antolope find water in the dessert"
nothing is better than an old pringle typo
Letters said:
One thing I don't like about Pringles... their shape... the commercials for them say how good it is... but it's really crap! It's only good for those tubes... that's a bigass chip to be shovin' in your mouth, ya know? And if you do that, you're likely to end up getting bits everywhere as they fly out from your mouth because you're a pig and shoved it all in but forgot to shut your mouth and keep it to your damn self. But then if you take more than one bite, it just flalls apart anyway, and you're left looking like a nutter as your try to keep all the pieces from falling everywhere! AHHHHHHH!

Letters... you have some serious issues.
I dont mind pringles but they are a bit boring tbh, ive tried salt+vinegar and original, might try pizza.