What's your favourite class?

What is your favourite class?

  • Soldier

    Votes: 25 21.7%
  • Pyro

    Votes: 17 14.8%
  • Spy

    Votes: 14 12.2%
  • Medic

    Votes: 8 7.0%
  • Heavy

    Votes: 11 9.6%
  • Engineer

    Votes: 13 11.3%
  • Sniper

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • Scout

    Votes: 11 9.6%
  • Demoman

    Votes: 11 9.6%

  • Total voters


Aug 5, 2007
Reaction score
Thought i might as well put a poll up to see, since it would be quite interesting to know. My personal favourites are the Pyro and Spy.

I like the Pyro because if you play it right and ambush a load of people at once you can get loads of kills (although they usually end up as kill assists)

Spy is probably my favourite just because of the sheer fun of being able to stand around 5 or 6 people on the other team without being noticed. Plus being able to run away after backstabbing 3 or 4 people in a row without losing any health gives me such a rush.
I love playing a pyro, and I think there is absolutely nothing more valuable to a team than a pyro who can help his team. Sure I love getting kills, but I consider my primary "job" for whatever team I'm on is to harass and annoy every enemy. Whether or not I actually get credited the kill matters not. The best is on 2fort. The presence of a single pyro on one side of the bridge can prevent an entire team from crossing. Sure you'll probably get picked off eventually, but you have to know when to retreat and when to stand your ground.
Sniper or Spy

I've gotten 21 kills as a sniper on one life, and its awsome being in a group of enemys...
Heavy: Played 41.2 hours

I'll have to say him :(
I can't pick...must I?
I guess I'll pick soldier just because he is pretty versatile. But I love the pyro, spy and scout too. I like surprise. :)

But really, it depends on the situation which I'll pick to play. I like a team that can think on it's feet but don't often get those so a lot of times I'll play a class that won't get me as many kills but will fill the team better. Either I'll push and inspire my team to get caps or hold D while the team is all offense (although thin) and not watching their own backs. Hate when the team doesn't think to do things different to upset the other side and it's all a stand still.

Recently I've found myself playing medic, engineer and soldier a lot.
Overall I like the soldier best I guess, though I do love playing the pyro and heavy almost as much.
pyro, all the time

I love lighting the enemy up and i hate being on fire
I play everything that is needed and/or good for the map we are on.
But I picked Sniper because it is the most satisfying kills IMO.
Even though he is so terribly simplistic, I absolutely adore the Soldier. I will never, ever tire of the gib splatter that ensues after a rocket to the enemy's face.

Unfortunately, most of the time I get relegated to playing as a Medic due to the lack thereof, though I still enjoy healing people.
I like the Engineer the most followed by the Pyro.

Am starting to use the Soldier and the Heavy more.
It's gotta be the spy... racking up 30 points backstabbing and sapping before getting killed once is pretty awesome.
My true favorite is the sniper, as it always has been in any FPS. Unfortunately, he's not versatile enough in TF2, so I don't play that class as much. I'm only 3 headshots away from the grey matter acheivement, and I dont see myself using him that much after that.

In TF2, it's definitely the scout. I'm all about blitzkreig attacks and guerrilla warfare. I don't mind inevtiably dying a bunch of times. I just try and play on servers with quick respawn times.:E
It's funny how one person's favorite class is another's bore. The soldier bores me to tears, but I love almost every other class.

For me, it's a toss up between the Pyro and Engineer depending on my mood.
1. Pyro (by a landslide... I've gotten ridiculously good at lighting someone and then pulling out the shotgun and placing the few needed shots without losing much health myself)
2. Spy (nothing more fun than disguising yourself as an enemy scout, being healed by the enemy medic, and then stabbing him in the back :D)
3. Engineer (building a fully loaded turret, watching it mow down enemy after enemy and then working with a friendly pyro to defend it from sapping spies is exhilarating)
My true favorite is the sniper, as it always has been in any FPS. Unfortunately, he's not versatile enough in TF2, so I don't play that class as much. I'm only 3 headshots away from the grey matter acheivement, and I dont see myself using him that much after that.

In TF2, it's definitely the scout. I'm all about blitzkreig attacks and guerrilla warfare. I don't mind inevtiably dying a bunch of times. I just try and play on servers with quick respawn times.:E

not versatile enough?

he only has the only instant kill (which doesnt involve being behind an enemy) and the only fully automatic weapon (that doesnt have a deflection).

i guess you havent seen any offensive snipers
engineer because you can get a shitton of kills without worrying about latency (I'm pretty much always the highest ping on the server)
Never imgagined I'd say it, but heavy. I just dominate so hard whenever I play him and I don't know why. Plus the character itself is just awesome. :p

I barely touched the dude in TFC... was shitty.
Pyro, been playing it since always (tfc too a bit although he wasn't really good there, the rocket launcher was though)..
Also I really like the Demoman..
It used to be the Sniper, as that was what I used to always play.

But in the last week or so, things have changed. I feel I am now in a long-term affair with the Demoman. Perhaps it was the class video that spurred me onto it, but it's what I instinctively choose every time I join a server. Few things are as satisfying as watching a band of enemies waltz into your sticky mines and blowing them all to shite.

I just wish medics would charge me more.
I'm finding it hard to choose, which can only say good things about TF2. It's between the Scout, Sniper and Solider. I'm not a fan of the Spy or Engineer.
My aim is too slow and inaccurate atm to do well as most damage classes but I'm getting the hang of leading my target with rockets again after a couple of years break from playing Pyro 80% of the time in TFC (used the incendiary rocket mostly).
Pyro. Jumping into a group and setting everyone on fire. Although the Scout is fun too. Medic can be fun if you have a good Heavy with you.
engineer but it depends on the map and my mood, other than that sniper and pyro, nothing like getting a good headshot or rushing in, setting 5 guys on fire and when youre dead watch them go down one by one :p
I tend to rotate my role based on the map and the objective. In fact I rarely stay as one class throughout a match as it often seems to me that the strategic shifts that occur call for different tactics and methods and it's better to be flexible and adjust accordingly. Saying that though I'm quite content to play as the soldier given the chance, as he's a good all rounder.
Heavy takes the cake....by FAR

Then Medic....

everything else is rubbish =P
I've been playing Demoman a whole lot more, and I'm starting to get pretty proficient with him. Great for nade from battlement to battlement.
Soldier is my favourite :$

I'm terrible at spy, everyone just shoots me straight away. I am a good medic but it is BORING.
I'm an amazing Medic, and I kick ass as a Heavy. I'll play any class as long as it benefits the team.

Recently I discovered that the Scout counts as two people when capturing, and I had a few rounds where I steamrolled the other team and got ten kills and two captures as Scout, so for now... Scout :D
i agree: "whatever is useful for the team to win."

recently i appreciate pyro and demoman more and more.

demoman is great to control areas, I normally almost exclusively use the second weapon.

pyro gives me a good kill/die ratio. Normally, in the right environment, I manage to take 3-5 players/buildings down before i go bye bye. Great to flash out spies. Hate those suckers. much too powerful anyway.

I'm a good engineer and play this class often to support the team but REALLY i think its rather boring. Try to stop it. Same for medic.

This is easy - the Medic by far. I love supporting the pushes that help us cap flags or break the other teams push.

Plus when he yells "OCTOBER FEEESSSST!" I laugh every time.

Engineer for me, I love to maintain my teleports, turrets, and erectin' a dispenser.
I enjoy playing as an engineer. I seem to get the most kills using this class... I think I had 40 some kills in a row without dying, (thanks to the sentry) which is pretty damn good.
I think I had 40 some kills in a row without dying, (thanks to the sentry) which is pretty damn good.

That must have been a rather stupid team on the other end.
All scouts trying it again and again?

In my experience ONE skilled demoman, spy or soldier can take out a sentry without even taking much damage.

Beside this i think it would be fair to give more points to the engineer for maintaining and saving his stuff or killing a spy, and less points for the autokill of the SG.

A pyro is one of the most fun classes to play. Just screaming incoherently into the mike and then burning your own team to flush out the spies brings me great joy.
In my experience ONE skilled demoman, spy or soldier can take out a sentry without even taking much damage.

If the rest of the other team let allow that. Not so easy to take down a sentry when you're on fire /o\