Whats your most hated company?

nike. i wont even use their products because of the slave labor the use
AOL or McDonalds, simply because of their quite sickeningly appalling TV ad-campaigns (Britain, dunno about anywhere else).
The Mullinator said:

Saw this article and it got me thinking. What company do you hate the most? I hate Microsoft the most and yes I know there are worse companies out there, but I still hate Microsoft the most.
Microsoft! They suck! ffs! My point being: you are right they are t3h evil side. Their business stradegies are not what u can call nice, and their products sucks.
EA :|, because of thier laziness and lack of decent customer support, but this have been improving since the release of NFSU tho :)
6.The International Bob Villa Fan Club, Inc.
Chris_D said:
Man, have you played Grand Theft Auto 3?

Even if he hadn't, the link to Rockstar Games' site on the main page should've given it away. Besides the fact that you can't do anything except click that link..
:sniper: Microsoft
:sniper: SCO
:sniper: Nike
:sniper: Fox (for cancelling Futurama and Family guy)
:sniper: Honda (Because I can't stand the Civic, and I hate their commercials)
Fox is thinking of bringing back family guy :D


So many people buy aol because they don't know there is anything better, its sad.
hmmm.... i may not like their methods but microsoft are in my good book. why u say? becaus i would be using an applemac if it werent for them ;)
-Sony (console division)
-Microsoft (mainly their xbox division)
-Sony Online Entertainment (because i'm still being charged for Planetside and i cancelled around 6 months ago)
-Ion Storm (Deus Ex: Invisible War...)
-Macdonalds (duping people into eating crap with even crapper adverts and pandering to the masses etc)
-credit card companies (for making it easy for people to get into debt but making it difficult to get out of debt)
-Sky (for having the most god awful collection of channels in the entire world, seriously)

must be more.
1. SCO
2. M$ (BTW they might get billion-euro fines in europe because they have broken several trading laws with the inclution of IE and WMP in windows)
3. Mcdonalds
Pc World.

They put a bad name on technology.

Oh and I hate most of the companies that have been brought up in this thread too.
Ion Storm, the bastards ruined DX:IW and are going to destroy Thief III...oh wait I'm sorry, it's Thief: Deadly Shadows now :hmph:

I really hate Nike though, awful company
Gator, altough they've now changed their name , f*cking assholes.
The one company I hate the most - every multinacional one will do.
Suicide42 said:
hmmm.... i may not like their methods but microsoft are in my good book. why u say? becaus i would be using an applemac if it werent for them ;)
What you don't realize, is that if microsoft didn't exist, there would just be another company in its place, and maybe that company wouldn't suck so much ass.

Edit: I can't spell.
sco, smart-parts, apple (not for who they are, but what they COULD be if they would get over their righteousness, and that they won't.)
Well it wouldn't be Microsoft (OMG FANBOY KILL!)

There are numerous times that some clever idea at Microsoft has saved my butt many times (System Restore is the best reason to own XP) and the fact that half the stuff we can do on a PC wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the development platform that Microsoft created. Oh and the fact that (like it or not) MS powers all the funky effects in HL2, STALKER etc etc. Go Direct X!

Oh and I like my X-Box!
ENRON for obvious reasons and Tony Hilfiger for the CEO's racist comments on Oprah.
Shuzer said:
Microsoft without a doubt

yup, Microsoft and AOL.. teh suck :x :x

edit: not surprised but Microsoft is almost on everyone's list..lol
PvtRyan said:
Gator, altough they've now changed their name , f*cking assholes.

Hmm, "Gain", they almost crept back into my system with the newest Divx, lucky I recognised that feckin gator >.<

McDonalds, they stopped making Vanilla shakes (my favourite) and replaced it with horrible experimental flavours. Then they cancelled McFlurries, which is all that kept me going back ;_;
I sold my soul to Microsoft...

Really, why fight...join us, join the dark side! Together we shall rule this Middle Earth!
[cue evil laughter]
I really don't want to argue with anybody, but I really like Microsoft a lot. I'm a Linux fan too. I'm just wierd that way. Microsoft is full of a lot of talented people who really like the technology they're developing. That's my view.

For the company I really despise? Well, that would be SCO. They're loonies. They're lawyers are loonies too.

I am so not an alcoholic, those f***ers!!
hmm i don't hate ENRON just the people that ran the company. my mom and some really cool family friends lost LOTS AND LOTS of money (one couple that i know lost $2 million)

edit: i suppose i do hate enron... bastards messing w/ environment