What's your opinion on porn sprays?

What is your opinion on porn sprays?

  • Total voters
Sorry double post...I was trying to edit this because I accidently linked the whole images instead of thumbnails but I did something wrong. Delete this one please.
I have never used a a spray but have often been killed stopping to look at one.
I can't vote. I would have picked: I don't see them because I have mat_picmip set to 4.
netrex said:
I can't vote. I would have picked: I don't see them because I have mat_picmip set to 4.

what does that mean?
RC-73 said:
what does that mean?

mat_picmip sets the level of detail on your textures. 0 is full, 4 is as low as the game allows you to have it. So I see where the sprays are, but they are so blurred I can't make out what they are.
netrex said:
I can't vote. I would have picked: I don't see them because I have mat_picmip set to 4.

Pick the last option then. And can a mod please change the thread title?
No. I don't care about sprays. So to me they aren't bad or good. They just are. And I haven't turned decals off ;)
Changed the thread title.

I voted "Relax". It seems like most countries in Europe have a much healthier and saner stance on nudity than the puritan public in the US.
I don't really mind most porn sprays, but there are some that are just... gross? And then obviously the tub-girl and g0atse sprays... but I've seen those so many times they don't really effect me anymore. And it boggles my mind as to why Valve hasn't added an option to disable the downloading of sprays in their games. If they have, correct me.
Theres an option to turn off all decals but I don't know about sprays only. Is there away to make the decals stay permanently? How how a way to make decals turn up on bodies?

And I've had a total of six awkward moments of family members including small children walk in on me playing CS and being confronted with a a porn spray. Two of those times involved lemon party and one of them was a goatse tag although I don't think they knew what it was because I turned around quick.
I prefer to keep my shooting and sex as seperate hobbies, thanks.
And yeah, like the doctor says, it's a bit of a nuisance when the family see it.

-Angry Lawyer
God forbid if anyone used goatse as their spray.

Edit: Didn't see the back posts until after I posted this.
i see them from a tactical standpoint. People stop to gawk. Then they receive a 357 to the noggin'

I personally never use them as i prefer my "SUBMIT, REBEL SCUM" spray featuring a comical blue outline of a metrocop batonning the red outline of a rebel over the head
I think they're stupid.

I'm there to kill people not look at some 11 year old's porn collection.

Nothing wrecks the game more than turning down a corridor littered with bodies, scanning the room for terrorists and seeing a ****ing giant pair of tits on the wall of whats supposed to be a hostage room in a tense battle.

And using them as a tactical tool? I've only seen the people spraying them, and their friends staring at them! if anyone else was stupid enough to waste time looking at porn in CS when google is 5 seconds away and can provide 50 times more porn then they deserve a permanent ban from steam because those are the same morons who like to voice spam and team flash/kill.

Its stupid and immature, porn can be found much easier in other places and i dont understand who could be so horny that they need it everywhere, even in their games! (oh wait, yes I do.. puberty stricken ****head little hormone bags who are squealing orders at me through a distorted mic while camping with an awp at the other end of the map!!)


if i want to see porn, i know where to get it.. i don't see to see it in a game :|
the worse part of all this is that some times my friends and i make new sprays and we want to show them to each other and so turning off that sprays option quite doesn't work as one would think.

there needs to be a feature to turn off individual sprays or something like that.
Not too bothered about them at all. Just another spray as far as i'm concerned
bliink said:
I think they're stupid.

I'm there to kill people not look at some 11 year old's porn collection.

Nothing wrecks the game more than turning down a corridor littered with bodies, scanning the room for terrorists and seeing a ****ing giant pair of tits on the wall of whats supposed to be a hostage room in a tense battle.

And using them as a tactical tool? I've only seen the people spraying them, and their friends staring at them! if anyone else was stupid enough to waste time looking at porn in CS when google is 5 seconds away and can provide 50 times more porn then they deserve a permanent ban from steam because those are the same morons who like to voice spam and team flash/kill.

Its stupid and immature, porn can be found much easier in other places and i dont understand who could be so horny that they need it everywhere, even in their games! (oh wait, yes I do.. puberty stricken ****head little hormone bags who are squealing orders at me through a distorted mic while camping with an awp at the other end of the map!!)



heh, well said bliink. :upstare:
I guess there's nothing wrong with them....they're just annoying, stupid, tasteless, pointless, annoying and stupid.
funny thing, I've been playing online games since quakeworld, and I'd guess the number of porn sprays I've seen is below 10. Must have been lucky :)
.syL said:
funny thing, I've been playing online games since quakeworld, and I'd guess the number of porn sprays I've seen is below 10. Must have been lucky :)
I'd say unlucky ;) For the most part.
As a father of 4, very young, daughters it scares the crap out of me.

All this obsession with porn is an insult to women and just shows how shallow men, and sad to say, kids really are. It shows an utter disrespect for women.

If, as a server admin, you change sv_allowupload to 0 then people won't be able to use sprays at all on your server.

It's probably the same people who put their sprays everwhere that complain about fps problems.

If you are so obsessed with porn that you have to have it in front of yourself all the time just don't play games and spend all your time playing with yourself.
I can block them out of my mind while im in the heat of a good fight. But I would much rather be in a server with mature people that don't take advatage of the spray and spray pornographic pictures, sometimes just disgusting stuff.