When do you start school?


Jul 9, 2004
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I start school this Monday. I will be entering my senior year of high school as an IB Diploma Candidate. How about you guys? My plans for this year is to study hard, work hard, and give my all towards the college applications.

What about you guys.

I remember around this time last year I created the ever so epic tight jean thread and we lost a few good soldiers , and gain some like COMrade badge so lets bow our heads and take a moment of silence.
August 22nd...Not looking forward to going back even tho I'll be a Senior.
Second year of Sixth Form September the something-or-another. Two weeks or so, anyway. Two weeks to do alotttttt of thinking, designing and prep work. :(
i don't even know. I keep hearing sept. 7th or 10th lol

im entering 1st year university Computing and Network Communications
Already started. In my third or so week of school.
Next Wednesday, I will begin my senior year, to end this great quadrilogy of High School *epic lord of the rings music plays*
Next Wednesday, I will begin my senior year, to end this great quadrilogy of High School *epic lord of the rings music plays*

I saw that movie Amelie last night. And same here with the epic lord of the rings music, I am going to feel so stupid when I see those freshmen all clueless. I get a kick out of them when they cant open their locker.
I saw that movie Amelie last night. And same here with the epic lord of the rings music, I am going to feel so stupid when I see those freshmen all clueless. I get a kick out of them when they cant open their locker.

haha nice. At our school no one even bothers to lock their locker. I guess that is unheard of in most places?
haha nice. At our school no one even bothers to lock their locker. I guess that is unheard of in most places?

Not really. Some people at my school "card" their locker which prevents the lock from catching, so they can freely open and close their lockers without entering the combo.
Aug. 29th. We get a three day week, then a 4-day week after Labor Day.

3rd year chemical engineering. Yay...
High school politics suck. I hate the cliques, the tendency for people to "sheep" and how social power revovles around a certain person. It's stupid and sickening, I tellz you.
High school politics suck. I hate the cliques, the tendency for people to "sheep" and how social power revovles around a certain person. It's stupid and sickening, I tellz you.

My high school isn't like that, afaik. I don't think anyone here is ambitious enough.
Move in on the 24th, classes start on the 27th.

College freshman as well. Pretty damn excited.

Actually, End of it. Year 12 starts... hmmm. End of September?
Going to Texas Tech on Monday or Tuesday, classes start on the 28th.

Very excite!
September 22nd, off to Uni :D

Will be AWESOME.
I start Uni at August 31. It's next to impossible to find a place to live, though, so I will stay at home for a while D:
I started yesterday. It's pretty awesome.