When Gordon enters the room...


Oct 7, 2004
Reaction score
Maybe some of you know that the strategy guide screenshots have appeared on the internet. Anyway, on the last page, they reveal what happens when gordon enters the room with the chair and the blood on the floor (at the trainstation).

This is what happens...

Extremely BIG SPOILER !!!

Quotes from the strategy guide: "Listen to the Metro Cop while he deactivates the security cameras and babbles on about... a beer he owes you?!"

"It's a familiar face! Barney Calhoun, your drinking buddy from Black Mesa!"

What do you think about that? I think it's pure genious! I really wasn't expecting something like that! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I'm WAY too scared to look at that. Thank you for the warning and the tags.
Dam I look it!

dont look that!

but sure I will forgot it
ok someone know a way to forget something of your mind?
Yay for willpower.

<RJMC> said:
ok someone know a way to forget something of your mind?

Well, you could go with Mr. Burns' "mind ray". Or, for those of you who are technologicaly challenged, the revolver is what you might call it.
It is in the alpha from a year ago. I found out over a year ago.
Okay, this is really risky guys. Some idiot is bound to discuss that spoiler without putting it in spoiler tags, and blow it all!

Why even post this? I see no point.

(I already knew this info from the beta, so it didn't harm me... But I am sure you hurt a bunch of otheres.. Spoiler tags or not, this isn't needed for spreading...)
I knew that anyway because of a not-very-clever person who played the leak and then gave away a spoiler.
Well , whats the big deal here anyway..
so the G-man is a clone and he joins gordon.. so what??

only kidding..
I knew that a long time ago, but something about it surprised me.
He owes me a beer :p When actually he owes me several kegs :D
Oh...shit I am faced with a conundrum.....Do.I.look.at.it?

Is it that big of a spoiler? Surely not that much can happen in that small room.....Oh F*ck it I'm gonna look.
I'm back from reading it..........It did actually spoil it...I wish I hadn't looked at it now.:(
To the person that asked why i would make such a thread...

I thought it was a very clever twist and i wanted to know what people thought about it.
Im going to beat him with a crowbar until he gives me all of the beers he promised, damn, I've lost count after 36..

Hey Gordon, Catch me later and I'll buy you a beer!
Hey Gordon, Catch me later and I'll buy you a beer!
Hey Gordon, Catch me later and I'll buy you a beer!
Hey Gordon, Catch me later and I'll buy you a beer!
Hey Gordon, Catch me later and I'll buy you a beer!
Hey Gordon, Catch me later and I'll buy you a beer!
Hey Gordon, Catch me later and I'll buy you a beer!
Hey Gordon, Catch me later and I'll buy you a beer!
Hey Gordon, Catch me later and I'll buy you a beer!
Hey Gordon, Catch me later and I'll buy you a beer!
Hey Gordon, Catch me later and I'll buy you a beer!
Hey Gordon, Catch me later and I'll buy you a beer!
Hey Gordon, Catch me later and I'll buy you a beer!
Hey Gordon, Catch me later and I'll buy you a beer!
Hey Gordon, Catch me later and I'll buy you a beer!
Hey Gordon, Catch me later and I'll buy you a beer!
Hey Gordon, Catch me later and I'll buy you a beer!
Hey Gordon, Catch me later and I'll buy you a beer!
Hey Gordon, Catch me later and I'll buy you a beer!
Hey Gordon, Catch me later and I'll buy you a beer!
Hey Gordon, Catch me later and I'll buy you a beer!
Hey Gordon, Catch me later and I'll buy you a beer!
Hey Gordon, Catch me later and I'll buy you a beer!
Hey Gordon, Catch me later and I'll buy you a beer!
Hey Gordon, Catch me later and I'll buy you a beer!
Hey Gordon, Catch me later and I'll buy you a beer!
Hey Gordon, Catch me later and I'll buy you a beer!
Hey Gordon, Catch me later and I'll buy you a beer!
Hey Gordon, Catch me later and I'll buy you a beer!
Hey Gordon, Catch me later and I'll buy you a beer!

yeah I already knew that, people had speculated so much and basically decided thats how it was
Oldfaq... could you edit your post? Some people that don't want to be spoiled could guess.
MiccyNarc said:
Alright, could someone answer yes or no to the following question? If it's yes, well, then I guessed what the spoiler is. If it's no, then I'm happy.
Is the combine soldier Barney
EDIT: And if I'm right, oldfaq, you're a moron and you should kill yourself.


edit: urm sorry.
Could someone PM me a link to scans of the Guide?

Is that allowed?

Smooth move oldfaq...

I already knew it (due to some idiot who once posted it thinly disguised as "speculation"). It's not that big, but still irritating to have it spoiled for you.
why oh WHY DID I MARK THAT !? I HATE MYSELF SOMETIMES. that was the biggest spoiler ever. godamn it ... T_T
I had a feeling that it was him, but is the other guy that takes you there just a normal combine soldier?