When I was 31, it was a very good year ...


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
How do you like 2004 gaming-wise so far? I'm pretty satisfied. We've had some great fps's with FarCry, UT2004 and BFV. SplinterCell and Thief III for the stealth fans. Ground Control II, Soldiers and Panzers coming out on the rts-front. And there's a lot more lined up: Doom III, HL2, Brothers in Arms, Prince of Persia II, Rome Total War, and maybe even Splinter Cell III. Its gonna be hard picking an overall GOTY.

EDIT It would have been very creative, if I'd modeled the post after the Sinatra lyric. But I was tired and almost going to bed, so I didn't bother.
31! you are old! nah, just kidding...

yeah, its a very good year, and a bad year...

do to the enormous ammouts of games that are coming out, my walled it starting to suffer, I belive it had develloped a serious case of Anorexia :(
<highlander quote> There can be only one </highlander quote>

Half-Life 2!
:naughty: Yeah, 2004 was one of the best years in many years... not only for games but in my life as well. I will never forget this year, hopefully I will make love to 2004, literally :eek: .
This year is set to have arguably the best latter half in gaming ever. There's been a few articles about this on various gaming sites.
Soundwave said:
This year is set to have arguably the best latter half in gaming ever. There's been a few articles about this on various gaming sites.
For shooter Fans anyways.
This is the best year so far in the 21th century with all these monster titles being released this year :)
Yeah, 2004...

Half-life 2
Doom III
Halo 2
MGS3: snake eater
Rome total war
Sims 2
Metriod prime 2
Resident evil 4
Ninja Gaiden
Chronicles of Riddick: escape from butcher's bay
DOA ultimate
Splinter cell 3
Far cry
MOH: pacific assault
Brothers in arms
Call of duty: united offensive
Forza motorsport

...and a hell lot more...
:naughty: Everyone forgot about Final Fantasy 12!
ailevation said:
:naughty: Everyone forgot about Final Fantasy 12!

I've been undergoing therapy for a month to forget about that game. :flame:
ailevation said:
:naughty: Everyone forgot about Final Fantasy 12!

It's coming out in 2005. So is Jade empire and the new Zelda.
:x Poo. Thought they mentioned November, well they probably did but then pushed it back. Ahh well... 2005 will probably be a big gamimg year.
CrazyHarij said:
I've been undergoing therapy for a month to forget about that game. :flame:

are you thinking FFX2 or FF12?

i agree about FFX2 but FF12 looks pretty damn good
X = 10
X2/XII = 12

FF12= FFX2 ? :p

Phil Collins - In the air Tonight
CrazyHarij said:
X = 10
X2/XII = 12

FF12= FFX2 ? :p

Phil Collins - In the air Tonight

no it is not 12. FFX-2 is FF10-2 (final fantasy ten two). it's the sequel to final fantasy 10 (the only final fantasy game to be an actual true sequel, as in following the same story, world, and characters). wouldn't make much sense to call FFX-2, FF12 either considering it was released nearly a half a year earlier than FFXI.

FF12 is the new game currently in development. :p
FF12 looks amazing, but last I heard it was due for a 05 release now...
Final Fantasy sucks big floopy donkey dicks, as a matter of fact all RTS and RPGs and MMORPS and all those kind of stupid games suck balls. BIG BALLS.
blindvomit said:
Final Fantasy sucks big floopy donkey dicks, as a matter of fact all RTS and RPGs and MMORPS and all those kind of stupid games suck balls. BIG BALLS.

sounds like someones a little overly obsessed with penises :rolleyes:
Don't think about GOTY until they're all out.
At the beginning of 2003, how many people were thinking about KotOR, which won most of the GOTY competetions I saw. Not to mention, we can't say HL2 is better than Doom3 until both games are out!
Social life? what's that?

Madonna - Papa don't preach
CrazyHarij said:
Social life? what's that?

Madonna - Papa don't preach

it's that crazy thing that occurs outside the 10 ft. radius of our computers.
ACLeroK212 said:
it's that crazy thing that occurs outside the 10 ft. radius of our computers.

Murder, death, kill, government, racism, no thank you! Rather be confy inside de_dust2, or carentan. :D
yeah keep living in the nerd world , ya? :p

And Final Fantasy owns, i have played almost every single one of them. Best is FFVII
Sadly, I haven't really experienced what is called by many to be the magic of Final Fantasy. ;(

Except the movie maybe, it was good and such but it was 0% related to the games.
Oh yeah! And don't forget Sam & Max 2!!!
Oh no wait. That got cancelled because Lucas Arts are tw*ts.