when kliener took a whiz;many people post fanfic

Jan 20, 2005
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Kliener was not seen in hl1 cause he was takin a whiz half of the time.After that he came out and about 5 zombies lumbering to him.With his dumbness he went into the out-of-order stall and when they got close he flushed it five times really fast and Gman popped out of the toilet... :sniper: :x

You guys continue it
its kinda like Headcrab rotisserie style
G-man then revealed the contents of his briefcase - a slightly smaller briefcase, and proceeded to beat the zombies to death with both the big briefcase and the slightly smaller briefcase. After the G-Man had killed the zombies he proceeded to convert the big briefcase into a gravity gun, ripped the toilet from the wall with it and ran off giggling maniacally.
Kliener:Hey,I was only taking a break and I only like to use the one thats not working!
Wildon: Now's not the time Kliener. :hmph:
Zombie: Uuuggghhh... I've been whipped. Other zombies: Uuuggghhh... We're mmmeeellltttiiinnnggg... :eek: :x
Kill Ze Man In Teh Toilet!!11!!11111!!! Throw Ye Snark Or Ye Dreaded Poop Grenade Yarr!!!
This is retarded beyond flaming...go write for MAD TV...you sicken me almost as much as battlefrank.
MarcoPollo is the god of flaming and even he didn't bother, atleast HeadCrab rotisserie style has some plot,that's HL2-ish
evilsloth said:
MarcoPollo is the god of flaming and even he didn't bother, atleast HeadCrab rotisserie style has some plot,that's HL2-ish

now langstons having a foreverending dream in HRS.........

"and woke up again and saw that the dream was a dream was a dream"