when they said Forever they meant this Winter


Nov 8, 2003
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PC gamers Feb Mag stated that Rockstars 'Duke Nukem Forever' will be out this winter,... what can I say .. Finally! :E , id post the text up,, but thats just illegal :rolling:
That'd be really cool if it was true.. lol
At the last minute they will probably change the release date to some unknown date and blame it on leaked source code. That seems to be the trend with major games right now.
Haha! We have winter before you guys :P :P
No-one knows the release date. Not even 3D Realms. They've been haemmoraghing staff over the past 3 years, as well as trying to keep the engine current. That's a hell of a lot of redevelopment.

Of course, they don't have to release anytime soon. They got a huge wad of cash off Take Two, and they made a shedload from Max Payne as well.
no one does, but PC Gamer obviously got word from rockstar who are setting winter 2004 as the date line. Or otherwise it wouldnt of been in the mag, weve waited long enough I think.. so why should they delay it even more :dozey:
Huh? I have all the PCGs dating from 1996, and I never saw that in any Februrary issue. The only release date metioned was, "Your guess is a good as ours 2004."
I won't live to see Duke Nukem Forever get released
Bad^Hat said:
Haha! We have winter before you guys :P :P

Haha, yeah but you have uruk-hai wandering around slaughtering people so ner...

I really wanna play Duke Nuklem Forever, i loved the first game but its just not right playing it now. I thinka couple of years after it was made i jsut had to stop because of the blatant crapyness. I mean it was fun when it came out but for me its not the kind fo thing that lasts.

DNF should be fun though, its something a little different from the normal type games and hopefully you still get to relieve yourself in the urinals.
i saw a trailer for it and i must say it didnt look that good. especially the graphics, they were ****. it will have improved scince then tho.
Suicide42 said:
i saw a trailer for it and i must say it didnt look that good. especially the graphics, they were ****. it will have improved scince then tho.

The last time I saw a screenshot from Duke Forever was in 2000...
lol, you dare defy me!, lol,. seriously its in Feb 2004 issue, this winter, it states. UK PCG, page 12, top right... also mentions the release of MANHUNT, at the same time as DNF