When was the last time you waved your hands in the air like you don't care?


Oct 3, 2003
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I can't remember. I'm not sure i've ever actually waved my hands in the air like i just didn't care?
I don't think I ever have, although maybe my ass in a similar style.
Probably a few weekends ago at a concert. It was fun. I danced around and met a few college girls.
At the time of posting I am waveing my hands in the air like I just don't care.
Why exactly would I wave my hands if I just didn't care? How does one relate to the other? Furthermore, in the event where I would be told to wave my hands like I just don't care, wouldn't I indeed care? After all, if I didn't, I wouldn't wave my hands. But the situation itself would call for the waving of hands, and I would care about that act in itself.
Wouldn't it refer to not caring about one specific item, and waving your hands in the air to signify that you don't care about said specific item?
Que-Ever said:
Wouldn't it refer to not caring about one specific item, and waving your hands in the air to signify that you don't care about said specific item?
But if you honestly didn't care, then why would you go through the effort of putting your hands in the air?

If such an object were described in that context, then that could allow the hand waving and not caring to coexist. However, such is not often the case, and even if it were, I would find it to be a frivolous action not worthy of my energy.
Ikerous said:
But if you honestly didn't care, then why would you go through the effort of putting your hands in the air?

You confused me.

And Absinthe, you are one scary person.
After all the embarresment I just casused myself I'll never post again.

According to the Bible, double posters will burn in the worst parts of hell.

I think that what really needs to be discussed here is wether it's acceptable to encourage today's youth to simply not care and what can be done to combat this kind of trendy apathy, no matter how much it may tempt you to bust a groove.
TheSomeone said:
2 seconds ago with Ikerous.


Naturally, I start it 4 posts down, no one notices. Ikerous does it, everybody else notices and starts doing it.
TheSomeone said:
Naturally, I start it 4 posts down, no one notices. Ikerous does it, everybody else notices and starts doing it.
And then, naturally, you post and the thread completely dies XD

Since there is an election going on in Canada right now...it's a daily occurance for me.


Ikerous said:
About 2 seconds ago.
Last time we had sex <3

So yes, 2 seconds ago.

Then a couple minutes before that, and then a few minutes before that!

We're worse than rabbits.