When will the next release of hardware come around?

Janet Reno

Apr 10, 2004
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I'm looking to upgrade but am not sure if I should wait for prices to drop for when the next set of video cards and CPU's come out. When video cards come out with whole new chips they'll usually have secondary releases that are clocked somewhat higher a few months down the road with little to no new technology in them. I have heard new hardware like this might be coming out in February.

Can anyone clue me in on this as to when the next round of stuff comes out?
The fall refresh of videocards should be paper launced befor the christmas season but as for CPU's I wouldnt expect any major releases from both AMD or Intel untill late 2005. Both companies are focusing on the server market at the moment and are trying very hard to get the dual core cpu's ready.
We're still waiting for the current crop of stuff to come out. Nvidia and ATI's high-end chips are vaporware right now...most say they'll be around in December at the earliest.

There's no release date or month for any group of anything. Most times ATI or Nvidia will cut the other one by a few months to gain marketshare.

If you're looking for specifics, I recommend doing some reading. It's fun, educational, and painless.


Good sites. theinquirer comes highly recommended.
blackeye said:
The fall refresh of videocards should be paper launced befor the christmas season but as for CPU's I wouldnt expect any major releases from both AMD or Intel untill late 2005. Both companies are focusing on the server market at the moment and are trying very hard to get the dual core cpu's ready.

I wouldn't be so sure on a fall refresh. Nvidia and ATI is having a heck of a time producing the cards they release 6 months ago. If they do release a new card, it will most likely be in Q1 2005 and be a card that is easier to produce for ATI and NVidia.

Good sites. theinquirer comes highly recommended.

Yeah, that is my favorite hardware news site now. Too bad it has such a bad reputation.
blahblahblah said:
Question: How many accountants does it take to change a light bulb?

Answer: How much money do you have?

ROFLAMO! omfg lol dude roflmao i cant even type im laughing so hard. Keep it coming man.
blahblahblah said:
I wouldn't be so sure on a fall refresh. Nvidia and ATI is having a heck of a time producing the cards they release 6 months ago. If they do release a new card, it will most likely be in Q1 2005 and be a card that is easier to produce for ATI and NVidia.

Thats why I said paper launch. They will announce them but they may not be able to ship them.
blackeye said:
Thats why I said paper launch. They will announce them but they may not be able to ship them.

Don't even be sure on a paper launch. It's late enough where if such a launch was going to happen, the inquirer would have some info.

ROFLAMO! omfg lol dude roflmao i cant even type im laughing so hard. Keep it coming man.

I personally like this one, but I don't think it would fit in my sig.

The doctor comes to see his heart transplant patient.

"This is good news. It is very unusual, but we have two donors to choose from for your new heart."

The patient is pleased. He asks, "What were their jobs?"

"One was a teacher and the other was an accountant."

"I'll take the accountant's heart," says the patient. "I want one that hasn't been used."
Do you see any news about new cores this fall? These are the only news spots I've seen.
Nothing really new here.

Otherwise none

This is probably the most we got. PCI-Express cards.
PCI-E is out now, but we barely fully utilize AGP4x, much less AGP8x. I haven't heard anything about new graphics cards at all...

AMD and Intel are trying to release dual core CPU's next year. AMD has already exhibited their dual core (runs at 103 degrees), and have set June 2005 as potential release date. This CPU will use the 940 pin socket.

Intel has huge heat issues with their dual core processors (Prescotts run HOTTTT) but they would like to solve that and get their dual cores out by Sept. 2005. They have three announced chips, all using the 775 socket.

Both of these though, are like having two processors in one chip. Good for multi-tasking, not so good for gaming. Game engines weren't coded to utilize to processors, so there isn't much task sharing going on. I wouldn't worry about upgrading just yet, my advice would be to wait until early 2005, unless you can't run HL2 on your current PC. Then I would at least go with a mobo that is PCI-E capable, with either socket 775, or the AMD 64 socket, 940.

Edit: Oh, I say get the PCI-E because it's not a Graphics only port (unlike AGP) You can put tons of stuff into this port, and if you get a 16x one, you can put 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x, or 16x cards into it. They aren't reverse compatible though (they just wont fit, see? Size matters). I don't think there are any 32x capable mobo's out yet, mainstream... Link one if you find one though, I'd like to see it!
they are coming this fall, X880XT AND NV48 both with PCI-E