Where do they get these guys?


May 5, 2004
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Computer and Video games magazine seems to hire people straight out of elemetary school...check out this paragraph talking about the upcoming Battlefield 2:

Battlefield2 article

"....what turned out to be one of the most refreshing and addictive multiplayer experiences in yonks. ...

"....Drool drips at the thought of games supporting 100-plus players online, battle boffins gleefully anticipating the opportunity to grapple with U.S., Chinese, or Middle East Coalition forces..."

and from the Half life 2 preview: sexual innuendos galore (writer needs to get laid)

" If you're a fan of shooters, chances are you'll be squirting over the prospect of Halo 2, Killzone and Doom 3"

"Ever since we saw the demo of Half-Life 2 at last year's E3, we've been busting our nuts to get a go on this baby. And y'know what? After months of probing...."

methinks they need to put down the thesaurus every now and then
what the hell is a boffin? is that like a coffin for bastards? ;)
CptStern said:
what the hell is a boffin? is that like a coffin for bastards? ;)

A boffin is like a scientist. Or a really smart guy. :farmer:

bof·fin also Bof·fin ( P ) Pronunciation Key (bfn)
n. Chiefly British Slang
A scientist, especially one engaged in research.
so gordon would be a "a boffin scientist"? I thought boffin was, welll you know....boffing
Yonks and Boffin are all part of the English language, i see no problem there.
Razor said:
Yonks and Boffin are all part of the English language, i see no problem there.
luckily, they are not part of american english..
puzzled<< why not write something like... woot! , instead of 10 chars, be creative. :P we all know theres a 10 char limit. :cheers:
Seriously...wrong thread..and illegal. :O
lol,, I lack it too at the moment :E ,, but i wasnt having a go,, its just you might agree, the 10 char limit thing is getting overused :P