I opened my PC and it looked like it had snowed lint in there. I don't have carpets in my room and the heating system doesn't emit air. I have a curtain almost behind my PC. Could that be where the lint came from? Any ideas?
It just collects whatever is in the air. There are a number of places within the PC where airflow slows down so the air just drops whatever it is carrying. I guess you could say it's similar to a snow fence.
Yeah any of that dust you see floating around in the sunlight gets sucked in by the fans, reaches a dead spot, and just floats down...why do you think PCs are made in white rooms with men that where white lint-free suits?
Also correct. All your snot and mucus is there to capture those particles to prevent them from doing any harm to your body...when you sneeze, its because your mucus just caught a crapload of foreign stuff trying to get in...