Where is computing technology going?


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
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Just this morning, I tried the speedtree tech demo under the unreal 2 engine. I was amazed, highest detail/resolution, hardly an increase in heat from my CPU, and yet I was immersed in a world were the detail of trees is immense, even down to the individual leaves as well as the swaying. Offcourse, I'm not saying that they shouldn't continue with improving the technology, its just, soon we will be immersed in a gaming world that we couldn't tell apart from the real world (except maybe the keyboard and mouse). The features of this this technology will be Used in TES: Oblivion as well as the Unreal 3.0 engine.

Then this afternoon when I was flicking my recently aquired PCGAMER UK, I ran across an article about the new upcoming PhysX Physics cards. I was gobsmacked, finally heres some real news. The manufacturer Aegia, have signed up SEGA, Ubisoft as well as Epic to help "extol" the virtues of their hardware, although we all know that the Middleware company HAVOC will most likely be the main body to incorporate this technology.

Then offcourse there are the Blu-ray disc drives that use Ultra-violet light to increase storage on discs (offcourse you would have to have the blu-ray disc as well) due to its thinner beam.

The unreal intergration of speedtree

Preview of the PhysX cards

Blu-ray main page

I was going to feature another article about HardDrive storage, unfortunately I haven't been able to locate the story on the BBC website.

If you have any new articles about computing technology, then post them here to make the forum less cluttered.
That is where games technology is heading in the next 5 years or so. Computing technology as a whole though is heading towards organic or semi-organic chips, dna computers and even further onto quantum computers that use the orientation of atoms to process and store information.

You also have chips based on light instead of electrical impulses, holographic memory technology where a single chip could store 10terabytes of information and be accessible at the speed of light, etc.
Razor said:
That is where games technology is heading in the next 5 years or so. Computing technology as a whole though is heading towards organic or semi-organic chips, dna computers and even further onto quantum computers that use the orientation of atoms to process and store information.

You also have chips based on light instead of electrical impulses, holographic memory technology where a single chip could store 10terabytes of information and be accessible at the speed of light, etc.

The optotronics (I think thats what its called) will be here in about 3+ years. I believe there is major development happening with those. There were talk about magnetic chips, however they either abandoned the project due to its slow clock speed or gone into secrecy.

After reading the interview for the Physics card, it made me think

GD: What can you tell us about your current relationships to game
developers and publishers?

Curtis: We will be announcing many game titles that support our chip over the coming months, but we’ve lined up 5-15 games that really matter with killer support for our hardware at launch time.
I think that is the key to any new hardware, how much of the software supports it. I think Aegia are doing the right thing in getting the backing of the big names in the software industry on their side before releasing their hardware. With support from Ubisoft, Epic, etc, they can guarentee support for their hardware with games that gamers are guarenteed to be excited about.
The last page of that interview included a comment from Epic. They support the technology whole-heartedly. As the physics card are due out around this christmas, and the new Unreal Tournament comes out sometime next year, its most likely they are incorporated the technology into the unreal engine 3.0 or already have.
Tr0n said:
1 word...



Skynet already exists today and it is part of Britain's Military satelite communications system.
Tr0n said:
1 word...



You just reminded me of what a nuclear bomb will look like destorying a city using one of those cards and extensive level design.
Skynet, im sure there will be something similar. And i really want to get a T-1000 knocking on my door. I mean a female T-1000 with ability to have sex :D
Garfield_ said:
Skynet, im sure there will be something similar. And i really want to get a T-1000 knocking on my door. I mean a female T-1000 with ability to have sex :D
ok? :hmph:
Garfield_ said:
Skynet, im sure there will be something similar. And i really want to get a T-1000 knocking on my door. I mean a female T-1000 with ability to have sex :D

You sad and lonely man :|
DiSTuRbEd said:
Theres no explaination for wanting to sexz0r up a robot. :dork:

He wants the Buffy-bot now (those who watched Buffy will know what I mean) :)
Wasnt the T1000 the scary running liquid metal guy anyway? Female one was TX something or other. Damnit my memorys failing me at 15 >.<
Anyway, ontopic, I think the sky really is the limit for computers, graphically, once it hits something that can seriously fool someone into thinking its real life, that'll be the pinnacle, but for storage or other things, I really dont see where they would stop.
Its a tad worrying how dependant on computers our society has become. Of course, this'll all change with Peak Oil eh? ;)
SimonomiS said:
Its a tad worrying how dependant on computers our society has become. Of course, this'll all change with Peak Oil eh? ;)

We will become more dependant on inter-communications as long distance travelling will become much more difficult
VR. how can we games evolve from now to this?

how will we be able to play mp and sp games in our house with VR..

we would need some sort of running machine under out feet.

i also heard the other day that techonlogy can choose what you dream...

KoreBolteR said:
i also heard the other day that techonlogy can choose what you dream...


Yeah, I think Sony has patented a similar technology featured in The Matrix, although it doesn't need to penetrate your skin to work. Although its only theorectically able to work.