Where is my fuGing Jump pack!!


Sep 22, 2004
Reaction score
Seriously man the jump pack was the best thing about HLDM.... now its gone. It was soooo much fun being able to jump right past someone and blow thier head off with a double shot from the shottie. i must say this has to be my biggest dissapointment in HL2. anyone else agree? ;(
yes i fully agree with u there.

and they say this is the upgraded hev but yet they didnt get u a jump module.

oh and i hate the running business too. in HL u had one suit running speed long jump or walk. in HL2 i cannt stand this slow run and then a sprint it is riddiculous having to press shift all the time.

in HL2 u hardly get any jump hight either and on dm levels like crossfire2 u cannt jump over fences or up onto ladders of bunker or anything easliy. this also makes gameplay quite boring in someways for dm.
If anything is missing, its the gluon gun. I loved goin ghostbuster on people.

Jump pack was cool tho

But, to counter moggy, I think that limited sprinting HL2 (also in FarCry and Doom3) is a huge improvement.
But, to counter moggy, I think that limited sprinting HL2 (also in FarCry and Doom3) is a huge improvement

an improvement if u like putiing in more more unnecessary effort
i dont care for jump packs but a little more jump hight would be useful