Where shall i buy online and what brand,,, Nikon, Canon,Minolta, Leica………very confusing,,, whats the best and cheap selling online site, www.adorama,com, www.ebay.com, www.warehousexpress.com, www.jesops.com, www.microglobe.co.uk
, I need valueable suggestions as I am based in UK................I photograph nature,,, Love nature,,what brand shall i buy, i have used old manual yashica brand.......... but the trends have now been changed......... plz help me out for better result and low price upto 300 pounds,,, what the customers should do,,,,, every company come with the assertion that their product is featured with everything..???????????????
, I need valueable suggestions as I am based in UK................I photograph nature,,, Love nature,,what brand shall i buy, i have used old manual yashica brand.......... but the trends have now been changed......... plz help me out for better result and low price upto 300 pounds,,, what the customers should do,,,,, every company come with the assertion that their product is featured with everything..???????????????