where should i buy "raising the bar" from?


Aug 31, 2005
Reaction score
I can't believe it, it's only 3 days till I get "raising the bar", but there's this problem:
My relatives in waterloo, not surprisingly, don't know where to get it from, since they're not so much involved with computer gaming in their daily life;
I don't think regular bookstores have it, since it's not actually "just a book", now, my question is:
"where could they get raising the bar from?"
do you think "sears" or some place like that would help? btw, waterloo is an hour away from toronto if you're wondering...
Help!, thanks.
Apparently it's very hard to get a copy now. I tried the other week and had to resort to eBay

So in conclusion, I have no idea
oh no, plz don't tell me there's no where i could get it... i'll die. :x
So do you live in Canada, or just have relatives there?
I got mine at an EB around christmas of last year...
So do you live in Canada, or just have relatives there?
I have relatives there,
Steam Store.
where the... could i find a steam store near waterloo?
plz guys, i need an answer asap, my grandmother is flying back to my country in what, 2 days... help... *me whimples like a sad dog*
please, you're not expecting me to get it from e-bay when i only have 2 days left, are you?
..the same with amazon.com

EDIT: umm, ok that was too rude, i know everyone here is trying to help me, so, please, any other suggestions?
Well you clearly don't know if you are getting it in 3 days because chances are your unlce or whatever won't find it and you can thank me then.

I got it off Amazon BTW.
very nice of you sulkdodds, if you add more power to that, it'll be great..
jerkasaur said:
please.... no one?

Can't you use google?

Google "Raising the bar" "Canadian retailiers" or something, because posting in a thread over and over again isn't going to get one of these nice people to do it for you.
it's not about searching, i want to know is there any canadian store that someone is sure it has it or not...
I see it sometimes in Chapters or Indigo. It's either in the Art section or where the strategy guides are.
thanks, i'll ask her to search in that store, any other places everybody?
Well, Computer Shopper magizne tried to take money out of my bank account so I had to lock my card and can't get a new card till 7 days, thats been afew days ago. I'm also wanting this book but sadly have to wait till I get my new credit card so I can get it, also at the time when I could have got it from the Valve, Valve store was out-of-stock. Sadly no stores will have it anywhere, atleast not in Indiana. Yes, thats how hard I tried the find it in a store without using my credit card which for now I dont have. And to think when the credit card horror happend, it happend on the day I was going to get that book! ARGH!

Places you should get it from, cheapest I've seen so far thats new, not used is,


Other places are,


this link being the most pricy out of the other links.

Sorry, but the only real fast way to get it, is through trusted internet sites like the ones above.
Also, I thought the book was out of print. Which would make it difficult for Barnes and Noble to carry it. Or rather, just any Barnes and Noble. You can look at the bigger bookstores, but it's still. Good luck.

It's pretty much a sure fire bet you have to check the internet.
I got it at Best Buy, suprisingly. I saw it and couldn't resist getting it.
Ennui said:
I got it at Best Buy, suprisingly. I saw it and couldn't resist getting it.

Awwww, I wish my bestbuys had it. It's weird, I called there afew days ago, and some guy said he knew what I was talking about, that it might be in the back of a truck or something like that and said to wait one day. I call back the next day, I get a different person and she says, sorry all we have are in the front. Stupid ppl. :-/
Yeah, I think they only printed X copies so if they don't find a store with it don't wait till someone goes to a city again, get it of Valve/Amazon/eBay
ríomhaire said:
Yeah, I think they only printed X copies so if they don't find a store with it don't wait till someone goes to a city again, get it of Valve/Amazon/eBay
Or threaten Gabe with a pocket knife.

Beerdude26 is not responsible for any irratic behaviour caused by his posts
I GOT IT, I FINALLY GOT IT! I CAN'T F***ING BELIEVE THIS, GOOOOOOOOOOOD, I NEVER THOUGHT I COULD GET THIS BOOK! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! <this is not a spam, i'm sharing my... well.. happiness, giving away power and ect. you know what i mean...>