Where the heck is my Avatar?


Mar 29, 2006
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I'm pretty darn certain I'm not the only Avatar: The Last Airbender fan on these boards. But I've been separate from the Tube for a while, and only recently managed to catch up thanks to the internet.

So, maybe someone can help me with this question. Where in the world are the newer episodes?! It just kind of stops at Season 3, Episode 13. There is no information on Nick.com, and all the other tv schedule sites indicate that the next episodes should have aired a month ago! It's really rather distressing, especially with how close it is to the season finale.

Actually, come to think of it, when do most of those finales air? I'm not really certain about the TV "quarter" scheduling...

Aside from that, we could always talk why we like Avatar so much...
It hasn't been released yet. The ...whatever... Air Temple episode that was last released I think was either a leak or an accident, because anything beyond the Invasion wasn't meant to be aired yet. Avatar's second half of season three airs something in... oh, i don't know at the moment. I'll hit up Avatarspirit.net for some answers later.
It's to the left of your name, of course!
The last episode released was the Firebending Masters. I don't know when the new ones come out.
The Boiling Rock parts 1 and 2 will likely air in May. On May 6, the Book 3 volume 3 DVD comes out and covers from "The Day of Black Sun part 2" up to that point.
I still haven't seen The Western Air Temple and I've only seen Day of Black Sun through the internet. Nick UK is very slow at getting new Avatar and I'm on a dial-up connection.
So the DVD comes out in May, and thats when they're going to do the last 5 episodes?

Blah, damn the television airing and interest building system. Granted, it works, but that doesn't mean I LIKE it.

But yeah, you can find all the episodes up to "The Firebending Masters" on the internet. PM me if you'd like a reliable site with all those episodes available.
I saw the Western Air Temple yesterday and I must say I'm so happy for the triumphant return of
BOOMERANG! **** YEAH! Boomerang once again proves that it is the superior element.

Is Combustion Man dead? If he is that's really surprising. It'd be like only the 3rd character in the show to be killed (not counting those that died 100 years ago/in the war).

I love Katara's and Sokka's new costumes, but I preferred Aang's school uniform to his new airbender clothes. Why hasn't Toph gotten a new outfit? :(

Odd that Katara and Aang aren't acting any bit awkward around each other now after the kiss during The Invasion. Speaking of Katara; Katara threatening to kill Zuko = great.

Oh, and Zuko's apologies were hilarious.
Me, I find it funny that you don't get half as worked up over Portal or Half Life.

But yeah, Zuko can't get a break. Makes me feel for the angsty schmuck. And, of course, the death threats kinda stand in the way of my Zuko/Katara fandom... Or do they?

I'm pretty sure Combustion Man is dead. What with that flying gauntlet and the fact that he basically set that explosion off inside his head. But don't take my word for it.
He did survive a similar explosion when Toph managed to hit his forehead with a pebble
I doubt Combustion Man is dead. I would like him to be, though; despite having a cool power he was not an interesting antagonist. Jun was cooler than he was and she only showed up once.
Pengy, Zutara sucks. All Zutara shippers are deluded into searching for clues to tie together a pair that will never work.

The only real possibilities for Zuko are Zukaang and Zucest. Either way, Darkside is happy.
Admiral Zhao was better than Jun(e?) and Combustion Man put together. The best thing about her was how pervy Iroh was towards her.
Why're you spoiler tagging something from Book One? :P

"Shippers"? What is this, the next Harry potter?
Vik, compared to Avatar, Harry Potter shippers are fellows who remark off-handedly, "Oh, I think perhaps that Harry and Luna would make a nice couple, don't you?" and then never speak of it again.

Avatar shippers are batshit insane, frothing at the mouth types, most of whom only watch the show for tiny little "clues" that they use as "proof" hinting toward their pairing of choice. They can be downright scary. With Harry Potter, you could totally choose to neglect the shipping aspect of it; even if you visited Harry Potter fansites, or talked to fans, or read fanfiction, you generally don't have to put up with much in terms of shipping. With Avatar, IT IS UNAVOIDABLE.
Good thing I don't go to Avatar fansites then.
Well to be fair, neither do I. I don't visit Avatar fansites, I don't go read or post on any Avatar-related forums, and yet I see Avatar shipping all the time. Wacky.
Like right here. *blushes

To be honest, its rather a method by which I antagonize more logical shippers. Kind of like my brief Draco/Hermione phase. But lets not speak of that right now. :p
Well to be fair, neither do I. I don't visit Avatar fansites, I don't go read or post on any Avatar-related forums, and yet I see Avatar shipping all the time. Wacky.

The amount of artwork making fun of shipping is in itself almost unavoidable, especially if you're a DevARTist like me.
DeviantArt is a terrible place to go for Avatar. I just can't handle things like female Zuko x Sokka.