Where the Striders Really Come From



I've just been to Woking in England --the place where HG Wells set his classic novel "War of The Worlds" . In the city centre there is a huge replica of one of the three legged aliens from the book, and it is the exact same design as a Strider -- just with one less limb.

The replica is shiney chrome metal, but the ones in the book were a similar colour to the Striders.

It's so cool to walk under a real life Strider!!!

You can read about it here: http://www.woking.gov.uk/news/archive?item=891216073

And there are images here:

http://www.cix.co.uk/~sjbradshaw/martian/wokmar09.jpg <--- This is the best one!
I've heard that they were like something from War of the Worlds, but I've never gotten to see! :D Wow...
The movie was freaky...

It was all like crappy textures and stuff. :O
yes we have been over this, but there are pics now....WAOH
The Thing said:
The movie was freaky...

It was all like crappy textures and stuff. :O

The movie was patriotic US/Hollywood nonsense compared to the book, even the aliens were different.
interesting stuff.
i remember reading the book but nothing specific from it
interesting sculpture.. . the strider in hl2 looks to be an exact rip of this... pretty cool stuff....

the more and more you poke.. the less original the game will seem
Yeah, Striders were definitly pulled from War of the Worlds. This is, however, a good thing. War of the Worlds is awesome. :D
I think someone had better tell him about the birds and the bees.....
meh, its not like they used an alien from aliens or something, i for one have never heard of war of the worlds and to me, the strider is still original
what i dont get about striders is why they are biological but have huge artificial cannons
king John I said:
meh, its not like they used an alien from aliens or something, i for one have never heard of war of the worlds and to me, the strider is still original

I don't understand -- I mean it's not a big deal but -- are you saying that because you haven't heard of something it didn't happen? Copyright violators would have a field day with that one.

Imagine historians: "Holocaust, what's that? I've never heard of it so it can't possibly have happened!" :cheese:
king John I said:
what i dont get about striders is why they are biological but have huge artificial cannons
Who said they're biological? It's not been confirmed or denied.
king John I said:
what i dont get about striders is why they are biological but have huge artificial cannons

They seem to be biomechanical (which would fit with the Xen story line well).

Is you look closely at the image of the strider I posted just above you can see rivets in the leg joints.
because its not biological, its a walking tank :) it just happens to look bug-ish.... (mechanics are moving to an insect direction as well)
I reckon they're biomechanical (ie: living machines), possibly with additional cybernetic enhancements. The have musculature and a very organic-looking shell, but they also have a machine gun attatched, some sort of large energy weapon, and what looks like mechanical details near the feet.

Oh, and I was always fairly certain that the WotW book described the War Machines as being metallic (and made mostly from aluminium, IIRC).
Didn't I read somewhere that most Xen aliens were mechanically enhanced in some way?
Man, they llok picture perfect ! Did you take those pics ?
Maybe striders are just machines with a midget inside controlling them. Watch out for teh m1dgetz!!!11!1!!11
Adrien C said:
Man, they llok picture perfect ! Did you take those pics ?

No I didn't take those pics, they are from another site, but I saw it in real life!

It's very scary walking under! You have to dodge the legs incase they spear you!
we've got to remember that war of the worlds is a book, and any realization of the strider creatures in the book is merely an artist's impression. OF course the general idea of a strider is nicked from the book, but the artist render is highly original.
And anyway, since when was taking a little inspiration from somewhere a crime, all the best creative talents do it, why not valve?
Yeah, all the book really said was that they were metal and had three long legs, a funnel-shaped ray gun and a cockpit dome for the aliens to pilot with.

Also, they're a lot bigger than the striders, aren't organic, and are piloted instead of AI controlled. The only real similarity is the three legs thing, but that's not exactly a copyrighted concept.
well if the striders are working with the combines then its most definatly not a xen alien because as you know xen take delight in spearing combine with hydras or eating them with ant lions etc.
I bet the ones in HL2 have better AI
D_tunisia said:
Didn't I read somewhere that most Xen aliens were mechanically enhanced in some way?

I wouldn't know, I've certainly never read anything like that. Source?
The radio version must have been great at the time. People believing it was really happening and stuff
Joeslucky22 said:
We've gone over this.

And over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over..............

But really nice pictures.
those striders are something haha, the chrome looks pretty nice on it