Where's Blue Shift?


May 19, 2003
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Steam is suppose to support all of their games. I felt the need to play Blue Shift again since i forgot a lot about it, even though i do remember it wasn't the best expansion compared to half-life and opposing force, oh wait GUNDAM was terrible. Anyways, does anyone have blue shift on their list? I thought i remember seeing it months ago and now i don't. I also don't have the CD anymore, however i have access to ALL of the other games....crappy :rolleyes:
Its not on steam, there is some issue with the high def pack. or something.
This is one of those threads that just keeps coming back..

And I believe it belongs in Steam discussion, not HL2 discussion.

Blue Shift is not a VALVe game. Its a Gearbox game. The Blue Shift engine was heavily modified and not compatable with Steams HL engine. I heard that VALVe is considering converting it, but clearly this is not a high priority.

(and homer, the hi def pack is the only part that is compatable,. I beleive that they us it in Steam Half-Life)
cant be on steam atm because of the engine being changed for it. Tbh, it aint worth it, i finished it in 1 sitting lol....DEAR GOD it was short, and what a crap ending!
As far as I know Op4 is a Gearbox game as well...
Raz said:
As far as I know Op4 is a Gearbox game as well...
It is, but since Blue Shift was created primarily for the console release of HL, key parts of the engine were changed somehow so as to make the conversion to STEAM difficult. I doubt it's a high enough priority for anyone to convert it now, but at least you can still play it from a traditional install (i played it last week).
i only played blue shift for one reason so i could get to xen quicker den haveniing to play through da rest of half life lloll
i was very dissopointed but glad (no ichtysours) :) the game toook me less then an hour to complete but i wasent complaning it was fun whilst it lasted
SsmitzZ said:
i only played blue shift for one reason so i could get to xen quicker den haveniing to play through da rest of half life lloll
i was very dissopointed but glad (no ichtysours) :) the game toook me less then an hour to complete but i wasent complaning it was fun whilst it lasted
There is no way it took you less than an hour.
I am playing through HL1 again at the moment (on hard, im about half way through and 9 hours in) and I was wondering whether the high definition pack I keep hearing about from Blue Shift is really that much better. Is it?
Blue Shift (BS) is not even worth your time... It's a crap expansion.... it should have been like Op4... Now THAT was an expansion. :)
I remember thinking Blue Shift was ok (if very short for the money - you could easily finish it in a few hours if you tried).
I got a high Def pack for OpFor for Steam, HL Source will be utilizing the High-Def pack for the models at least that's what the PCGamer review said.
Ok I think we get the point that BS was bad... but I still want to play it... so what I want to know is...

Will Blue Shift ever be on steam? If so when do you think? Please back up with facts please if you can
Blue Shift is not available under Steam and there are no plans to make it so.

Blue Shift was produced by Gearbox (not Valve) and so Gearbox would need to do the conversion.

There were custom engine changes that made Blue Shift incompatible with the current Steam Engine.

You can still play Blue Shift single-player by installing it from your CDRom.

Planet Half-Life: Is Blue Shift a dead product? Is there a Steam version and/or will there be a Source version?

Lombardi: Blue Shift is not currently on Steam, but there's certainly a chance it will appear on both Steam and remastered on Source.
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What people forget is that Blue Shift was originally for the cancelled Dreamcast Half-Life port. That's why it's so short.

And the HD pack was originally on that, to test the graphics of the system.