Wheres Obama?!?!?!?


Dec 14, 2004
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Wow, someone at CNN screwed up: They were doing a story about the whereabouts of OSAMA bin Laden, but instead they seem to have slandered the popular american politican, Barack Obama.

Way to go CNN.
Obama is a pimp. He's my display pic on MSN messenger. That's how good he is.
First black president for the USA? Reminds me of the 5th element lol. :cheese:
now that Saddam's been beheaded hanged on camera and buried, the US can get back to looking for Osama bin Laden

why they didnt tracked him in the begining

btw who is obama?
young black US senator
bright young thing of the future apparently
I'd rather have a black dude be President then that stupid Clinton bitch.
I'd rather have a black dude be President then that stupid Clinton bitch.

Either way I don't this country is ready for a black or female president. Most likely some whitey will be the dem's candidate.
Either way I don't this country is ready for a black or female president. Most likely some whitey will be the dem's candidate.

As stupid as it is... the best shot the democrats have for getting a president elected, is by going with a white person. Unfortunately there are still many prejudiced people in this country when it comes to race... primarily on the republican side... but there's even some on the democratic side.

Some day, when more politicians of many different ethnicities are present... and racism is a more muted factor, we might see such a thing.

Personally, I'm all about the best candidate for the job, no matter skin color. Skin color should never be a factor.
As stupid as it is... the best shot the democrats have for getting a president elected, is by going with a white person. Unfortunately there are still many prejudiced people in this country when it comes to race... primarily on the republican side... but there's even some on the democratic side.

Some day, when more politicians of many different ethnicities are present... and racism is a more muted factor, we might see such a thing.

Personally, I'm all about the best candidate for the job, no matter skin color. Skin color should never be a factor.

as far as I know Obama was raised in Africa.So he's not some ordinary black from da hood.lol .He seems very cool though .
problably some politician will say something like "why let a slave be president?"
problably some politician will say something like "why let a slave be president?"

No, no way they'd use that word. No one is that retarded. They'd use lesser derogatory words.
No, no way they'd use that word. No one is that retarded. They'd use lesser derogatory words.

anyway they will say something

like that person that sayed "are you whit our enemies?" to the muslin that insisted to use the koran in the swearings
Funny thing about that controversy, there's no holy book involved in the official swearing in. You can however, use whatever you want - bible, torah, koran, necronomicon - at a private ceremony afterwards. So the whole thing, the whole debate, is pointless.
Funny thing about that controversy, there's no holy book involved in the official swearing in. You can however, use whatever you want - bible, torah, koran, necronomicon - at a private ceremony afterwards. So the whole thing, the whole debate, is pointless.

'Course it's equally pointless for the interviewer to pretty much demand that the guy prove that he wasn't al Qaeda.
But, actually, I like his idea, if not his style.

For now on all politicians, if (aw, who are we kidding: because) they are religious people, should offer some kind of proof that their religious views don't directly contradict the US constitution.

As for this "Obama bin Laden" situation, looks like the LIEberal media strikes again, slandering a republican candidate.
Oh wait.
****ing liberal apologist pussies. If you make a mistake like this you make a quick fix, a quick apology, and move on. Dragging this thing out and making a huge deal out of it is stupid. If someone watching CNN isn't smart enough to know it's a typo they probably should be watching Sesame Street instead.

This is part of the reason why I don't watch the news on TV anymore.
as far as I know Obama was raised in Africa.So he's not some ordinary black from da hood.lol .He seems very cool though .
No he's not, if he was he wouldn't be able to become president. He's father was Kenyan, though.
Barack Obama is not black. He is mixed race. (white mother black father)
Unfortunately there are still many prejudiced people in this country when it comes to race... primarily on the republican side...

Funny you should say that because 2 of the most well known African American's are republican, Condolleza Rice & Colin Powell.

I would vote for Rice if she ran.
Funny you should say that because 2 of the most well known African American's are republican, Condolleza Rice & Colin Powell.

I would vote for Rice if she ran.

Those aren't two of the most well known african americans... those are TWO well known african americans in the political field.

The fact that they're black doesn't mean anything.
Y'all neglected that Powell resigned due to pretty much being used as a patsy to promote the WMD myth.

So we've got one republican black person, and she basically sucks at the job.



So why don't we have more folks in higher positions?
Because the current administration is rather infamous for its party-based nepotism. They hired the only two folks they had.

Let's just say that you would expect looser pot legislation, given that Rice is token.
This upcoming election will be most interesting indeed.
as far as I know Obama was raised in Africa.So he's not some ordinary black from da hood.lol .He seems very cool though .

ah, the ignorance of americans. Makes me proud to live in this country. We assume that all black people MUST be from africa.
Rice couldn't run the country even if her life depended on it.

That has nothing to do with race.

Get over it.