Wheres the manual so that I can RTFM



I bought Half Life 2 at wal-mart friday. Played the hell out of it most of the weekend( mostly fumbled my way around). It came with a small insert card with controls on it but I was wondering if there was a manual on one of the 5 cds somewhere so that I can RTFM and figure out a few things, like how to chat in Multiplayer, and a few othter things. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I sure would be thankful!! TIA Dallas
all your controls can be found in options, and keyboard controls.
That insert is so redundant, considering you can CHANGE the keys listed on it!
Just check you options>keyboard on the pause menu.
FearoftheDomoKun said:
I think you can access a manual through steam.
Which just gets you the same pack-in card that you got in retail anyway.

VUG did a marvelously shoddy job with the retail HL2 package. You would have thought they'd be trying to convince people to not buy it using Steam... I can only speak for the European version, but:

1) the DVD label looks like I brought this game at Budget. Nice picture (the one on the RtB book), but printed only in Orange...
2) The Front Cover is nice enough... but strongly reminscent of VU's insistance that games "must have a face because faces sell games!". It's hardly as bad as the Homeworld 2 Packaging (My god that was fugly), but I wish we could return to the minimalistic "lambda sign" packages the games originally came in.
3) The Screenshots on the back are awful. Both appear to predate E3 2003 - we have the oldstyle "blue-clothed" zombies in a particuarlly dull scene and another dull scene from Nova Prospekt, before it got its moody lighting and atmosphere. I mean honestly. HL2 is arguably the best looking game ever made - No-One can see that from these dated screenshots (but then, those on the original HL1 box were from a year before as well...)
4) The blurb really doesn't tell you anything about the game. The story is mentioned as only "rescu(ing) the world fron the wrong you unleashed back in Black Mesa", and the rest is just some meaningless crap about the features of the game, most of which could have been backed up by better screenshots.
5) The aforementioned "Manual" - a redundant controls list and installation guide. The Steam stuff (all of one paragraph) was necessary, but should have been put on the outside of the box anyway!
Thanks for the replys, I thought maybe I was just blind not being able to find atleast a pdf manual on the cds. The card is find for the basic commands, but the chat things are not listed at all. Thanks Haduken24 for telling me the chat keys. Now to get back to fragging...... :D
dallas45m said:
I was wondering if there was a manual on one of the 5 cds somewhere so that I can RTFM and figure out a few things

5 CDs :rolling: , have you not gone DVD, or does wal-mart not sell it on DVD