Which celebrity would you like to beat to a pulp

Which celebrities would you like to beat to a pulp?

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May 5, 2004
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obviously this thread is less than serious ..we need to respect Celebrities for the warm hearted humanitarians they are ....ok so which annoying celebrity would bring you pleasure if you were to curb stomp them?

wait for poll
Well if I could only pick one the obvious answer is Paris Hilton. Though I'm sure plenty of violant offenders will get the opportunity to do that in a few weeks.
She's a goddess, she makes my otherwise mundane life liveable. I have no idea what im going to do when she's in jail.

I picked bush.
multiple choices guys pick as many as you like ...my poor knuckles "TAKE THAT CELINE <PUNCH, CRUNCH, STEP ON NECK>"
Aside from Celine being insane, I'd say she's harmless.

Ms. Hilton, Thompson, the terrible three and Pat Robertson...not so much.
The ones who are actually malicious buggers, I think, rather than the ones who are horrible people but basically inoffensive. Try as she might Paris Hilton is not quite as wilfully ignorant, brutish and mad as Jack Thompson or Pat Robertson.
I vote for, Ms. Hilton, Jack Thomson and the lucky winner Uwe Boll, and no I don't care he used to box, tazer and bras knuckles FTW
I think it's the fact that he considers her Canada's chief musical expert, and that she is pretty crap casts undesirable aspirations on his country.

Dunno what he's worried about; Canada has Wolf Parade, The Arcade Fire and Godspeed You Black Emperor. Who cares about Celine?
I voted for all of them. I think celebrities in general need more beatdowns :D
I think it's the fact that he considers her Canada's chief musical expert, and that she is pretty crap casts undesirable aspirations on his country.

Dunno what he's worried about; Canada has Wolf Parade, The Arcade Fire and Godspeed You Black Emperor. Who cares about Celine?

Probably mainstream

Because I don't know any of the bands you just listed :O :(
I didnt know i could vote for multiple. I voted bush, but it has a hard choice between him and O'reilly
Probably mainstream

Because I don't know any of the bands you just listed :O :(

GFTO! You never heard of Godspeed You Black Emperor? FOR SHAME.

Quite off topic, but theres a sweet 3d animation with one of godspeeds songs. Its called skyfall, here is are:


EDIT: Aw, double post. My bizzle.
Voted Paris, Robertson, Thompson, and O Reilly of course.
Jack Thompson is a celebrity?
Celebrity is entirely relative as it by definition exists only in the eye of the popular beholder.

On this website, among the people here, he is certainly famous.
Lil' Chris
David Gest
Paris Hilton
Anyone involved with American Idol
Celebrity is entirely relative as it by definition exists only in the eye of the popular beholder.

On this website, among the people here, he is certainly famous.
But he certainly isn't celebrated.
Bill ORLY because of his fu**ing stupid interview:
Natural selection in practice, Billy!
Who voted for the Pope? I saw him this past Christmas and he's pretty tight. He blessed us at noon the day before.
I'd just donkey punch Hilton....with a baseball bat...numerous times :|
Paris Hilton.

You're in jail bitch, get the **** over it.
Everybody on that list except Richard Simmons. My write-in is the blond woman from CSI Miami. She is by far the most horrid character that I've seen. The actress has her face molded into one single ****ing expression in every scene, and her witty remarks make me want to **** her with a barb-wired dildo. God I hate her.